Sunday, October 20, 2013

Wondering about a special person and a cold front.

Before I get into the main part of my blog posting, I want to say that it is COLD out this morning, at least for this part of the country and at this time of year.  It is 43 degrees outside right now as I write this.  Brrrrrrr.

My Aunt passed away last night at 19:30 eastern time.  She was the last of that generation and a grand and wonderful lady who had a great personality and a sharp wit.  She will live on in her seven children (three boys and four girls) and all who knew and loved her.

I am going to post some pictures that I have taken of her over the years.  These first two were at a family reunion back a few years ago:

She had found an old photo of her when she was young and had a T-shirt made up with that picture on the front.  Then she laid down on the grass to duplicate the pose.  She was always willing to go that little extra to please others and give them joy.  We tried to pay back some that by making and sending her cards every day.

This next picture was taken only a few years ago of me and her, but before she fell and broke her hip and then ended up in the nursing home.

The next two were taken the last time I saw her, and that was back before I had the diesel pusher MH.  Not sure exactly when it was.  She was always happy and joking:

She even got me laughing:

And of course my wife was there, too:

She had a long life and because of the person she was, she always seemed to enjoy it.  Now, I hope she is reunited with the rest of the family that has gone on before.  You all please try to have a great day, she would have wanted it that way, you hear?


  1. I know the time will come for everyone, but I'm so sorry to hear of your aunt's passing. She must have been a wonderful lady and I know she will be missed by many.

    1. Yes it does. It is always hard to see the last of a generation of relatives go. She was a grand lady.

  2. You have paid a beautiful tribute to your Aunt... she sounds like the favorite aunt we all had... or wish we did.

    1. I had been blessed with a wonderful family of aunts, uncles, and cousins. Couldn't have asked for better. Only have cousins left, now.

    2. I also only have cousins left and some of them have died as well. There are a lot of them, but I don't know where most of them are.

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss. Your aunt sounds like a wonderful lady and funny too. . It must be disconcerting that she was the last of her generation. My grandmother was the last in her line. An old Indian though is that as long as someone remembers them they live on.

    1. My grandparents live on in my memory but my great grandparents do not exist there, since I never knew them.

  4. My Condolences DD to you and your wife...

  5. I believe the rest of the family that has gone on, has been waiting for her.

    1. I am sure you are right on that. They are waiting with open arms. But I still have tears in my eyes.

  6. The passing of an era is always hard to watch. She was a very special lady with a special nephew. Glory in the times together you both had. I know you will keep her memory alive in your heart.

    1. As long as I live, she will not be forgotten. The same goes with the rest of the family that went before.

  7. Even though we know we must all depart sooner or does not lessen the pain and sorrow of our loss.

    She seemed like a lady with great sense of humor. My condolences to you and the rest of her family.

    1. Thank you, MsB. Yes, she will be missed by many.

  8. Condolences Dizzy. We sure do miss the good ones.

    I ducked below the cold front. Toasty here in FL.

    1. It dipped down over here in Texas. To tell you the truth, it sure did feel good. Normal temps this time of year at this time is 80 and it never got to 70!!

  9. I'm sorry for your loss. It seems she was a very special lady.

    1. Yes she was, Jill. I think they made them a little tougher back "in the day".

  10. Oh Dizzy-Dick, I am truly sorry for your loss and my prayers are with you and your family right now. She's left you all with some very special and beautiful memories which will live on forever.

    1. Thank you and yes, her memory will live on with those who knew her.

  11. DD, we all had one like that, well, I hope so. I know she will be missed tremendously.

  12. So sorry to hear that. My condolences to you and Ruth.
    Maybe someone will make all those cards into a keepsake book?
    Happy Tails and Trails, Penny.

    1. That would be a huge book, since we sent at least five each week for a couple of years.
