Monday, October 21, 2013

Wondering about a two fast cars.

Way back years ago, before I got married, I bought a car that was my favorite of all the cars that I owned.  It was a 1957 Chevy Convertible.  I have already written a couple of blogs about it, but just in case you forgot what it looked like, here is a picture of me and my Chevy:

 And here is a stock picture I took off the Internet that is in color.

It had a 1960 souped up 283 engine with domed pistons, shaved heads, solid lifters, and the biggest carburetor I have ever seen.  It would turn over 8000 rpms.  I thought it was fast and then we got a visitor.

A high school friend of ours came to see us when he returned from his tour in Vietnam.  While over there, he saved all his army pay and when he got home he bought an XKE Jag.  I don't have a picture of it, but found one live of about the same vintage:

That car was remarkable and after he took me for a ride in it, I was really impressed.  I expected it to accelerate quickly but what really surprised me was when someone pulled out in front of us while we were going about a hundred or so, it stopped so quickly without loosing control.  Seat belt left a bruise.  I was impressed!!  Now, don't speed down life's highway, but take time to smell the roses, you hear?


  1. I thought my 12 year old Yukon XL was fine to drive until my husband bought me a new car. Didn't realize how "bouncy" the old shocks were nor the looseness of the steering. I would have happily kept driving the Yukon in my ignorant bliss. (It is nice that all the windows work in the new car and the AC is reliable--things got interesting on hot days in the Yukon)

    1. Congratulations on the new car!! Now, I wonder how long that new car smell will last. . .

  2. Hey, Dizzy, I am sorry to hear of your Aunt passing.

    I am a daily reader of your blog and enjoy it very much. Keep up the good work!

    Max from Illinois.

    1. Thanks Max. always am glad to hear from readers and other bloggers.

  3. Howdy D&DD,
    Boy howdy, do y'all have some memories of a wonderful lady !!! You'll chuckle every time you think of her !!! She was a 'MESS' !!!
    Hope it warms up down in the bayou country, so, y'all have a HAPPY DAY !!!

    1. About the cars... I was working in a SERVICE STATION (remember those) changing oil & greasing cars, when this Jaguar came in for an oil change.. I put it on the lift, drained the oil, put in 5 quarts and CHECKED IT with the dipstick, NO OIL !!
      I checked the plug, IT WAS TIGHT, so I put in ANOTHER QUART and checked it again, NO OIL !!! I'd never seen ANY CAR ENGINE take more than 6 quarts, so I went to ask the owner of the station, HOW MUCH IT HELD?? I told him I'd installed 6 quarts and NO OIL showed on the dipstick; the car's owner began laughing and said to add 2 more quarts of oil...So I did and it was FULL....
      I also had a 1957 Chevy, with Posi-Trak and drove it through a 12" SNOW STORM in Arkansas; DIDN'T SLIDE A BIT !!!!

    2. Yep, and they sure don't make them like they used to. I drove my '57 Chevy through a lot of snow storms since I lived in western Pennsylvania at the time.

  4. There was never a prettier car than anything Chevy made from the late 1950's!

    1. Gypsy, I really must agree with you. I especially liked the '55, '56, '57, '58, '59, and '60. Of course the '57 was my favorite. Sure wish I still had that car.

  5. wow.... does that ever look familiar.. your rolled up sleeves and hairdo ;) AND the ever lovely 1957 Chevrolet convertible... what fun

    1. Oh how much I would like to go back to that wonderful time!! Now I am an ugly old man.

  6. Our first car was the 4dr HT. That lite green with a white top. Ran like crazy.

    1. All the cars back around that time were great cars.
