Saturday, October 26, 2013

Wondering about the flea market and found a friend.

Yep, the weekend is here and of course we went to the flea market.  In the second row of outside sheltered tables that we walked through, I found this friend:

Ain't she cute?  It is a puppet.  You stick you hand up her in the hole in her lower back, put your thumb in her left arm, your little finger in her right arm, and the remaining fingers in her head.  I sat her in the crook of my left arm with her feet hanging over.  As I walked through the rest of the flea market, I would animate her and wave at everyone, especially the kids.  I would also clap her hands and try to make her look very life like.  I actually did fool a few people.

It was worth the effort.  I got lots of laughs and comments.  I just love to see people smile and laugh.  I guess I missed my calling. . . should have been a comedian.  You see, at my age I don't care if some people think I am stupid or crazy.  In fact, it is way too late to change me and I don't care!!  I want to make the time I have left a happy time.  Like the guy says on "Duck Dynasty", "happy, happy, happy."  BTW, my dogs did not like the monkey.  Guess I got to get this monkey off my back and hide it from the pups or it will be a pile of fluff and bits and pieces of cloth and hair.  I wonder if they are jealous or just think it is a new toy for them?  In case you are wondering, our pups have many, many, many toys.  It is another perfectly beautiful day her in East Texas and I hope it is nice where you are, too.  So, have yourself a great Saturday, you hear?


  1. Your little puppet is adorable, and yes, please keep her away from the pups.

    1. The monkey puppet thanks you for that comment.

  2. Learned that lesson of "not caring what people think" when I was a small kid. Mom taught us,,sticks and stones will break your bones, but words will never hurt me.... So I could just laugh if I heard things bad.

  3. It is never too late to try something you've wanted to try.
    When you work up an act let us know what street corner you're playing at, I'll come watch, laugh & toss a buck in your hat!

    1. Are you saying my act would only be worth a buck (grin). I just had fun seeing older people smile and little kids laugh. That is enough pay for me.

  4. Good one Dizzy! You might be crazy, but at least your days are fun filled and adventure packed.

    1. You have to be a little bit crazy to have a lot of fun.

  5. 10-4 on that DD, and I got a giggle too, also !!! Double-takes are the greatest applause in the world... I'll bet those pups could 'shred' the monkey in a minute or less... Shame on people who think 'older-folks' are 'febble-minded' because they have FUUUN... Better than a permanently down-turned mouth, like my ex-wife... She smiled ONCST and it was sure a pretty one; then we got married FOR 32 YEARS.... Man, that was a long sentence !!!!
    Hope y'all have a lotta fuun with the monkey, she sure is cute !!!
    She made my DAY HAPPY !!!!

    1. I do like to have fun and I don't care if the joke is on me. I may be senile, but I have fun every chance I get, although there are some who don't like my sense of humor.

  6. BTW...I like that you finally put a header picture!

    1. I will tell the monkey that you think she is cute. Yes, it was about time for a header picture.
