Friday, October 25, 2013

Wondering about some old jokes.

Don't know why, but I woke up this morning with some old, old jokes in my mind.  Of course, by the time I got out of bed, dressed, and got my computer turned on, I forgot most of them.  These are all so old that maybe none of you remember them.  I am going to tell you a couple anyway.

The Indian Chief was invited to go to Washington to see the president on the iron horse.  He was hesitant about getting on that fire and smoke breathing monster, but they assured him all would be well and that he would have all the comforts of home.  So he agreed to go only if he could take his squaw with him.  That too was agreeable.  After a couple of hours into the trip, the Chief got thirsty and had his squaw go get him a cup of water.  He drank it and said it was really good and to go get him another.  She did and he said he could use one more.  This time she came back without any.  He inquired why she didn't have any water and she said that someone was sitting on the well!!!

Another old joke is about the woman who had three germs living in her stomach and they made her feel ill, so she went to the doctor.  He asked her a lot of questions, especially if she went to the bathroom regularly.  She replied that she was very regular and went every morning at seven fifteen.  He couldn't find anything wrong but gave her an antibiotic.  Later the three germs started feeling the affects of the medicine.  The first one said he was leaving the stomach and going to the liver.  The second one said he was going to go to the heart.  The third one said he didn't care where the heck the other two were going, that he was taking the 7:15 out of here!!

I better quit, cause they don't get any better. . .  I just wonder how old these jokes are.  I have been telling them for probably close to 40 or 50 years or so.  Well, I hope I at least put a little grin on your lips this morning.  Have a great day today and be careful of that well water, it may leave three germs in your stomach, you hear?


  1. A couple of good jokes to get my evening off to a good start Dizzy-Dick. I'm not very good at jokes so I won't leave one here but at least you've given me something to tell someone else now. Thanks mate and have a lovely weekend.

    1. Glad I could help. . . and maybe even give you a chuckle.

  2. Howdy DD,
    Bob Hope or Jack Benny you're NOT, but now you're close to Groucho Marx !!! Hope you have a wonderful day and pet them purty li'l pups !!!!

    1. I always pet the pups and that makes for a wonderful day.

  3. Either I've never heard those before... or my memory fails me (again).... Say... do you remember the first joke you ever heard? I can't remember the first joke, but I do remember the first pun .... I was in 3rd grade.

    1. No, I don't remember the first joke I ever heard. Maybe it was: "do you want to hear a dirty joke? Well, the pig fell in the mud" or something like that. . .

  4. I have SO MANY jokes in my memory banks, but I cannot remember one word. They say you never truly forget, but I'm proof it is possible.

    1. Don't feel alone. I wake up in the morning with a real cool idea for a blog but then I go and turn my computer on and plum forgot what I was going to write about. I can't remember recent stuff but I can vividly remember things from 50 or 60 years ago.

  5. Thx for the laughs. I never could remember jokes, and there were always ppl that could just go on and on with them.

    1. I love humor and get mad at myself when I can't remember a joke or a humorous story. And that happens a lot.
