Sunday, October 27, 2013

Wondering about a header picture.

Last night I got thinking that since most all blogs have a header picture, mine should have one, too.  Now, what the heck should put up there as a header picture.  My beautiful face. .  Heck no, I don't want to scare off any more readers than my writing and spelling does.  Well, most of the spelling gets corrected by the spelling checker and my wife reads it soon after it is posted and always tells me what words I misspelled, misused, or should not be used in that particular case.

I went through all my pictures from the last couple of years and finally decided on one that I took when I visited Ink's Lake State Park back about a year ago.  So that is what I did.  I can always change it later if I want to, but for now I think it will do.

In case you haven't heard yet, the Orange Jeep Dad has kept his string of bad luck going.  The house that he and his family moved into burned down along with everything they had including their two vehicles.  You may want to go to his site and check it out:   I guess from now on he will have to change his blogging name to "Charred Jeep Dad", but to be serious, I hope all works out for him.

Let me know if that header picture is OK or give suggestions for what you like to see as header pictures on sites.  Now you all have yourselves a great day, you hear?


  1. I like the way the "o" in Wondering lines up with your front tire. Put the smiling faces of you, your wife and the 3 pups in the windows of the MH with hands and paws waving out the windows.

    1. On my computer, the "O" is in the drivers side window. I will have to look on my tablet and see where it is there. I guess things show up different with different computers.

  2. Looks good. You even got it sized right, something I haven't taken the time to figure out. The O is near the driver's side window on my full size monitor as well.

    1. It took multiple tries to get it down to the right size. I didn't use any fancy program, just an old one that came with one of my older computers called PSTUDIO. That small program is what I use to modify any photos I need to work with.

  3. I like your picture very much. Your motorhome is gorgeous! and HUGE ... no wonder you needed the whatever license you got ...

    You really know how to rough it... kiddo. ha

    1. It also has four slide outs, two on each side. When they are open, you could hold a square dance in the living room. (grin).
