Thursday, September 19, 2013

Wondering about . . . What?

Every now and then, back when I was new at blogging, I would blindly open my big dictionary and, keeping my eyes closed, touch the page with my finger. Whatever word was under my finger, I would write my blog posting about it.  (for example, see my blog posting: )  I actually learned a few things when I did that.  But I am not going to do that today.  I was just wondering what word I use the most.  Well, since my hearing went bad and especially when I am not wearing my hearing aids, I would say that the word I use most is "what".

The word "what" is a fascinating word with a lot meanings and uses.  It can be used as a noun, adverb, adjective, conjunction and interjection.  And then there are (my favorite) the idioms.  What's an idiom, you may ask?  Well, I looked it up and this is what it says an idiom is:   is a combination of words that has a figurative meaning, due to its common usage.  Here are some examples:

So What?
     an expression of disinterest or contempt.
What For?
     either a question of why or a scolding or punishment.
But What
     this is informal for who or what.
Say What?
     slang for "What's that you say?"
What Have You
     other things of the same kind.

There is also a contractions (what's) for either "what is" or "what does", depending on how it is used in a sentence.

So now you know what word I use the most.  Now, you all tell me what word you use the most and also have a great day, you hear?


  1. why ... as in huh? or why's ... as in why is that?

    morning, ;)

  2. What? Speak up and stop mumbling. :)

    1. What a coincidence, that is the exact words I just said to my wife!! And I am not kidding.

  3. Replies
    1. I think it was more like a hand gesture, since she figured I wouldn't hear what she said.

    2. BTW, Trouble, my wife and I both are still laughing from your comment. Thanks.

  4. I rather not say because it is not very nice and it is in Spanish.

    The only time I utter it out loud is if no one is around.

    1. Let me guess, does it start with a "C"?

    2. By golly it does! Have you been holding out on me Dizzy and you speak Spanish?

  5. If I didn't miscount you used it 18 times in this post.

  6. Meanings can also be changed by putting the emphasis on different words in the same sentence. For instance:

    What was THAT!?

    What WAS that!?

    WHAT was that?

    One can show fear, curiosity, or "say it again and I'll hit ya"

  7. Now ya got me to wondering about what word I use the most! Hard to tell since I live alone. The cats won't be any help with this one!

  8. Papoojack, I didn't count them but that sounds about right. Did you include the one in the title.

    Lotta Joy, that works with a lot of words. Some depend on how you use or say them.

    Hermit, would it be nice "kitty", here kitty, etc? I talk to my dogs as much or more than I talk to people. They listen much better. . .

  9. My 60 day trial for my hearing aids will be up soon.... huh? whad'ya say?.... I'm still trying to decide if I'll keep them or if I really prefer the la-la land world of "what?" .... Silly as it sounds, I kinda like NOT hearing all the clatter and clutter... but then, I suspect I've used "What?" too much.

    1. When I first got my hearing aids the sound of someone bumping a bowl with a spoon about took my head off. Now, I don't know how I ever got along without them. They work great for me now.

  10. Howdy Diz,
    Does 'Que pasa' count??? BELINDA !!! Warsh your mouth out !!!! I'll bet it does !!!
    Around the ranch, the word I use most is JOYCE, WHERE IS....??? My brother HAD some earin' aids and he wears false teeth too, also, until he put the earinaids in the glass of water and the teeth on the desk, one time !! He's too cheap to pay the deductible and get some new ones; his wife is just as glad he doesn't, this way she can holler at'im !!!!

    Hope that the 'WHAT' don't get lost in your vocabulary !!! Have a HAPPY DAY !!!!

    1. I laughrd at the earin' aids in the water and the false teeth on the desk, but it really isn't funny. I paid a whole lot of money for my hearing aids and wouldn't want to have to replace them. Thanks for stopping by my site.
