Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wondering About Teaberry

I grew up in Western Pennsylvania and we had a camp our family went to located near Tionestsa.  I loved that camp and have so many wonderful memories of being there, both as a kid and as an adult.  Next time I get back up to that area I would like to revisit it.  Just thinking about it brings back memories of long hikes.  While walking along we would pick teaberry leaves and chew on them for a little refreshment.  I don't remember eating the berries, but I may have also done that.  That plant was just so pleasing to my taste.  Here is picture I found on the internet of the plant I am talking about:

Since my taste buds enjoyed the teaberry plant, I therefore enjoyed Clark's Teaberry Chewing Gum.  I guess that is why I was so thrilled when one of our class trips was a tour of Clark's Teaberry Gum Factory in Pittsburgh.  I still remember the smell of that place, it was like heaven to me.  They had big vats of gum being stirred by a huge machine.  Oh how sweet it was. . .  By the way, the Clark's Candy factory was accross the street.  We didn't get to tour it.
You do know that there are a lot of other uses for chewing gum, don't you?  Yep, a lot more than I want to take the time to write about, so here is an abbreviated list:
Fix eyeglasses.
Retrieve small articles that have fallen down a drain.
Improvise caulking compound.
Temporary fix for loose pane of glass.
Fix cracks in flower pots or a wall.
Adhere bathroom plastic tiles.
Lure crabs or maybe even for a fish bait.
I am sure you can come up with some more great suggestions for its use.  Now, you all have a great day today, you hear?



  1. I've got teaberry on my property. It's a good as you remember. :)

    1. Glad to know that. My memory isn't all that good anymore.

  2. Replies
    1. I haven't chewed any gum in a long time. Never was much of gum chewer, but I do like the tast of teaberry.

  3. Decorate the underside of a table.

    1. So, that is where all those lumps come from (grin). They used to form on bedposts. Remember the song "Does your spearmint loose its flavor on the bedpost overnight"?

  4. Clark's Teaberry Gum was my absolute favorite... can't find it just anywhere. Think I found some at a Cracker Barrel... can't remember

    I like to stick it on my bedpost overnight ... catch it on my tonsils and heave it left to right ...

    It makes me ask this question ....

    If tin whistles are made of tin
    What do they make fog horns out of
    Boom, boom

    1. They used to play that song on the radio when I was a kid getting ready for school. Probably the same thing that B-flat trubpets and water pitchers are made out of.

    2. B-flat trubpets?? What the hey is that ... I know water pitchers and little pitchers that have big ears ... but no B-flat trubpets

    3. My fingers get mixed up some times on the ole key board. It is suppose to me B-Flat Trumpets. I used my right finger instead of my left finger.

    4. Lots of Clark's Teaberry Gum available at Not a gum chewer or I would try some.

  5. I remember the teaberry gum but never chewed it. Whenever I chewed gum it wasn't long before my dental fillings started coming out. Plus I was so obnoxious when I chewed gum - popping it, blowing bubbles, chomping like a horse! Good thing I gave it up!

  6. There's a wall in an alley in Seattle, WA TOTALLY covered with wads of chewing gum. It's actually quite colorful (although I'm sure totally unsanitary), and there's a geocache hidden somewhere among the gum. I looked for a few minutes but truth is, I wasn't about to touch that wall of gum.

  7. Gypsy, I don't know why, but I haven't chewed any gum for a long, long time. Funny thing is I don't miss it. Now my wife chews it.

    The Odd Essay, Don't think I would want to go digging around in that wall, yuk.
