Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Wondering about SPAM.

I like SPAM.  No, not the junk stuff you get through your email, but the canned stuff you eat.

I am sure that most, if not all, of you have eaten it as have many through out the world.  Now, I just wonder how much you know about it?  Well, of course I am going to tell you all about it.  How do I know?  Why of course, I found a book at the flea market this weekend that has all kinds of uses for stuff other than what it was designed or made for.  The book is:

The most amazing thing is just how many cans of SPAM have been sold.  Way back on March 22, 1994, Hormel Foods celebrated the production  of its five billionth can of SPAM.  Laid end to end, that many cans would circle the Earth twelve and a half times.  Wow!!

Spam can be prepared many, many ways but it has uses other than food.  For example, SPAM can be used as a furniture polish, to steam-proof bathroom mirrors, and it makes a great fish bait.  It has been around for quite a long time.  It was invented in 1937.  I am not sure just how it got its name but some think it was a contraction of the two words, spiced ham.  I love SPAM but because I take medication for elevated blood pressure, my wife says I shouldn't eat it.  Well, at least I hope you all had a good breakfast of SPAM and eggs and toast and butter with jam and. . . oh you know, have a good day today, you hear?


  1. In the early 80's I met a gentleman who's family moved from Austria is the 1930's to escape the political problems going on there, the family moved to the Philippine Islands... He spent most of the Japanese occupation in the jungle.
    After it was over he got a job on a US freighter and he told me the cook on the ship was so tired of Spam that he was tossing it over the side. This gentleman had been hungry for years, he saved as much of the Spam as he could and ate it.
    35 years later he still liked Spam, just not as often.

  2. I had a Spam sandwich for breakfast. I have to cook it before the wife gets up because she can't stand the stuff. The dog, however, begs and begs until I give her a piece.

    Should I be worried that it's such a popular dog food? :)

  3. I'm a BIG lover of Spam! Have been since I was a kid! I never let my supply run too low!

    I understand that in Hawaii, some restaurants even have it on the menu!

    Makes a good sandwich!

  4. Rob, I believe that it kept a lot of people around the world from starving. Shipments of it were sent to the starving countries in Aftrica awhile back.

    Sixbears, I eat dogfood. . . of course my wife cooks it special for the dogs and doesn't want me eating it. Usually it is ground turkey, vegetables, and pasta. Yum, yum!!

    HermitJim, Me too, but my wife says it has too much sodium. Dang, now I am hungry for some Spam and eggs or a spam and mayo sandwich.

  5. I was raised on Mush and lard.

    I hated Spam from the memories of my mom's cooking. She cooked like she believed in bacon grease fried in lard. And we'd spend the rest of the day burping up what tasted like rotten eggs and wondering why.

    On an odd day a few months ago, I bought a can of Spam and fell in LOVE!! Then I bought Jalapeno Spam and fell deeper in love. I sliced it then and fried it crispy. With eggs and jelly on the side: heaven.

    Oh, yum!

    1. I guess Jalapeno Spam would really wake you up. Never tried that. Sounds good to me.

  6. Howdy DD,

    Joyce found a book called, ' SPAM, THE COOKBOOK', somewhere and it has 'wonderful recipes for fixing SPAM, dozens of ways...
    Jay Hormel, President of Homel Meat Packing Company, had a contest to name his 'baby', giving a $100 prize, to the winner...
    The name came from the combination of 'shoulder of pork and ham', and was suggested by Kenneth Daigeau, an actor and brother of the vice-president of Hormel...
    Gracie Allen & George Burns were some of the earlier 'stars' to be in the SPAM ads...
    Nikita Krucschev once said, ' without SPAM, we wouldn't have been able to feed our army..'...
    By 1994, OVER 5 BILLION cans of SPAM HAD BEEN SOLD !!!!!

    I LOVE IT FIXED ANYWAY YOU CAN!!!! My older brother, who was in WWII, won't allow it in the house !!!!!

    Hope y'all have a HAPPY DAY, with a SPAM sandwich for lunch !!!

  7. Well Hello!!! Guess what I had for breakfast. Yep, you're right if you said Spam. I LOVE spam. I know, it's not good for me. Breakfast was fried spam, a potato patty and one large egg. My favorite is Hickory Smoked.

  8. Butterbean, you are right on all that you noted. It was all in that book.

    Betty Graffis, that breakfast you had was great start to the day, for sure.

  9. When my kids were little we were quite poor... I could make a whole meal from a can of spam, some potatoes and sliced tomatoes from the garden. Got so I couldn't eat Spam at all. My granddaughters lived in Hawaii for several years... they made Spam sushi and loved it. Guess it all depends on your perspective.

    1. I, too, have consumed a lot of spam, especially in my early years. However, I still like.

  10. My family took Spam along when we traveled. We had Spam, fried, baked and grilled. Biscuits and gravy and Spam and eggs... and well, throw in my Mother's fried potatoes... man oh man

    Haven't eaten Spam in eons. they also packed Vienna Sausages to travel... right out of the can. Daddy like sardines right out of the can... ew

    1. I enjoy all of those treats. My Dad and I used to take sardines on fishing trips. You know, your hands already smell like fish so why not eat sardines and bread?

  11. I visited the Spam Museum in Austin, Minnesota recently. Very interesting.

    1. I didn't know they had one. Thanks for letting me know.
