Friday, September 20, 2013

Wondering about Miracle Whip Salad Dressing.

I love Miracle Whip.  I can't remember when I didn't like it and I use it on just about anything.  Even way back when I was a kid I had to have my Miracle Whip.  Mayo is good, but I prefer Miracle Whip.  My wife says that I consume way too much of it and that my blood is being replaced with it.  Well, if that is the case, I am still not going to quit eating it, I will just stay where it is warm, maybe that will keep my blood thin enough so that my old heart can manage to force it through my Miracle Whip coated arteries.  Hey, that can't be too bad.  Doesn't it have preservatives in it?  If so, I am good for another 70 years, right?

How about a little history.  Way back in the eighteenth century, a French fellow discovered a Spanish condiment made of raw egg yolk and olive oil in the port town of Mahon on the island of Minocra (where ever that is).  He returned home with the recipe and called it "Sauce of Mahon".  The French chiefs renamed it "mayhonnaise" which since has morphed into mayonnaise.

To make a long story short, Hellmann's took over the market here and thus Kraft had to come up with something to compete with them.  They introduced their mayonnaise in 1930.  Then came the Depression and mayonnaise was a luxury item so Kraft introduced Miracle Whip, and it has been the best-selling salad dressing in the U.S. since 1933.  So, I ain't the only one with Miracle Whip in my veins. . . Now, slather some on what ever you like and sit back and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Howdy DD,



  2. morning, Dizzy ;) I was raised with Miracle Whip ... loved Wonder Bread ~ white and soft slathered with Miracle Ship with bologna.

    that was before ... haven't had any in eons. that good ol white bread the way it was ... Mrs. Baird's. so sad to learn all that stuff'll kill us.

    Sooooo now, it's Hellman's and sprouted seed bread... yeah

    I was craving.. for some reason.. a white bread vidalia onion and bologna sandwich not too long ago. felt downright pornographical... yes that's a word ...

    The white bread is no longer THE white bread and bologna is nasty ... dammit! I read the ingredients... but got some anyway...

    not the same

  3. I love Miracle Whip! I hate any kind of mayonnaise! I went to Walmart at 2 am because I had a sandwich half made and there was no MW in the house. There is a site where you can say how much you love or hate MW.

    Also, MW has much fewer calories for those who care.

  4. I remember my first taste of that miracle product! I was about 3 or 4, at a neighbor's. Couldn't get enough.

  5. My choice as well, my friend! I do like my MW!

  6. Butterbean, I use all the condiments. Horse radish and MW are two of my favorites.

    Carolyn, why is it the stuff we crave and love to eat are bad for us?

    Pracdtical Parsimony, you sound like you are hooked on it as bad, if not worse, than I am.

    Trouble, yep, I love to stir it up in chrushed hard boiled eggs with a little vinegar and salt. Makes a great meal.

    H.J., we are alike in a lot of ways. Glad I am not alone in my cravings.

  7. Replies
    1. I like Hellman's, too. It is better on certain things and salsd dressing is better on other things.

  8. I too prefer Miracle Whip over real mayonnaise. I grew up on it.. my Mom used it in potato salad, macaroni salad, sandwiches... everything. We didn't even have the real stuff in the house, so when I finally tasted it, I didn't, and still don't, like it. Give me MW any time.

    1. Same here. It was put in everything, even tuna salad and I loved it on egg sandwiches and still do.

  9. All we ever had was MW because it was cheaper. When I got my first taste of mayonnaise, it felt like grease on my tongue.

    1. Yes, that was the same way for me. After awhile, I learned to like mayonnaise, alwo, but still prefer MW.

  10. I don't eat Mayo I hate it but when I do I buy Duke's
    but my Daughter eats M W only, ever since she was small that is all she wanted. It is not that healthy to eat but if you don't have the WIIL POWER to stay away from it what can you do? I ENJOY yellow Mustard it is all I need does it for me and not GREY POOP MON the Frenc stuff.
    .Spelling is wrong but you understand all things Mustard Not onto the Bread not that this silly stuff you get off the shelf at the BP gas station I think it is called BIBMO Bread I kid you ..

  11. I have never had Duke's. Guess I will have to try it. BTW, I guess I am addicted to M W.

  12. We share a passion Dizzy! I just love mayo but I prefer Miracle Whip.

    When I was a child all the kids would bring peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (which I hate to this day) to school...I would bring Miracle Whip and bologna but I would have been just as happy w/out the bologna.

    I used to put MW on everything...due to my high cholesterol levels I have had to cut back a tad :(

    1. I used to eat peanut butter and Miracle Whip sandswiches. Now I don't eat peanuts because of the mico-toxins but have switched to almond butter. Almonds are real nuts and peanuts are lugumes that grow under-ground. I used to grow them in my garden.

  13. I'm really into Heinz Salad Cream especially on my chips (fries) and only recently over the past few years got into liking mayonnaise. This miracle whip must be real special as everyone seems to like it.
    Have a great weekend and don't over-do it with the miracle whip mate.

    1. My Dad was a salesman fo H.J. Heinz company and we used a lot of Heinze products. Did you know that way back when I was a kid they Heinz sold peanut butter?

  14. Do not like mayonnaise nor Miracle Whip. I ate plenty of both as a child but have never had either in my house since I have been on my own.
    If I want something like mayonnaise on my salad I use yogurt, same thing for mixing with tuna or as a slaw dressing. Use mustard on my sandwiches, any kind of mustard but prefer stone ground, add some horseradish too depending on the sandwich.

    1. There is always plain yogurt and horseradish in my refrigerator. Eat a lot of both but do not mix them together (grin).
