Sunday, September 1, 2013

Wondering about using numbers.

We all use numbers.  Numbers are an important part of every one's life.  What would we do without numbers?  Well, I suppose we could use the alphabet.  The letter "C" could represent 3 and "D" could be 4.  Then "CC" would be 29 and "DD" would be 30 and "CCC" would be 55 and "DDD" would be 56.  For some reason, I don't think this method of counting would work out very well.  I know I would have a big problem if some one asked me to pay DDJ dollars for something I wanted to buy.  Gee, and I bet you thought that Roman Numerals were complicated.  I think, for the most part, I will stick with the good old Arabic way of counting and numbering things.

Even Arabic numbers get out of hand and beyond comprehension; well beyond my comprehension, anyway.  I pretty much under stand the number of miles from my place to town or the post office or even to Arizona or Pennsylvania.  I can even grasp the distance to the moon and sun.  You know, like the old joke goes:  "It is closer to the moon than it is to Arizona 'cause I can see the moon from here but I can't see Arizona from here".  The distance to the outer planets gets a little harder to grasp as is the distance to the nearest star.  After that, it just becomes numbers, numbers without actual understanding of the distance.  If you think that is far, think again.  Light from the furthest edge of the expanding universe will never reach us unless the universe stops expanding and implodes.  That my friends, is a scary thought.  Well, as far as numbers go, I have taken up enough of your time.  But, before you go, may I suggest that any of you with children or grandchildren in school read .  Now, you all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. The best explanation I've heard regarding distances in the universe is given by Neil DeGrasse Tyson (on a YouTube). If I ever come across it again I will send the link to you.

    1. Yes Gypsy, I have seen that show a couple of times. It is still hard for earth bound humans to completey comprehend such great distances.

  2. I always wonder why folks have favorite numbers.... or lucky numbers... or maybe unlucky numbers (13?).... Do you think there's really anything to a "lucky number"? I kind of favor the number 6... that's my birthdate... but I'm not sure I'd want to favor the letter "F". Reminds me too much of my French class in high school... don't ask!

    1. I don't really have a lucky number. I do know what my unlucky number will be. It is when my "number" is up. (grin)

  3. That's dizzying, Dizzy... I'm just with Buzz Lighyear... To infinity and beyooooond.... or as a reader wrote .. the shortest distance between two people is a smile... ;)

    I like that.

    Astronomy is fascinating ... our universe is fascinating an time is fascinating ... hell, it's all fascinating ... how you can flip a switch and turn off a light. amazed me as a kid and it amazed my kid and it amazes his kid.

    so you visited Ben... what fun.

    1. I just visited your blog recommendation! stunning. unbelievable and scary. good lord! They sure had their act together though...

    2. Yes they did. He was really proud of his daughter and should be.

  4. Let us not forget binary numbers: 0 1 0 0 numerical value 3, 1 1 0 0 numerical value 4. Without that numbering system all the wondering on the internet would not happen.
    You could use the alphabet if you wanted, or rather you could use any two letters: CDCC = 3 and DDCC = 4.

    1. Yes Ed, they did slip my mind. Way back when the computers got started they were important and I did use them. And yes, I remember punch cards, too, and then large reels of magnetic tape.
