Monday, September 2, 2013

Wondering about Labor Day

First, I want to wish all of you a very happy Labor Day and a safe one.  What ever you do on this holiday, whether out on the roads, boating, visiting friends and relatives, or just staying home, be safe and enjoy it.  Holidays haven't meant a lot to me for a long time except maybe they were good days to stay at home and off the roads.  For many years I worked for myself and if I was working on a job or project, I would work on it every day whether it was a holiday or a weekend until it was finished.  Now, for me, every day is a holiday, if I want it to be.

Now, I started wondering how long has this holiday been in existence.  People have been doing labor for as long as there has been people.  Of course, I am sure there were many lazy people that never did work of any kind.  I actually have known some of them.  From what I can find out, the first Labor Day was celebrated back in September of 1882 in New York City.  I believe the Central Labor Union planned this first labor day with a parade and all.

Enjoy the holiday, be safe, and let us know what you will be doing to celebrate this year's Labor Day, you hear?


  1. Morning, Dizzy. I'm eating yogurt and dark rye bread with real butter with coffee. about it for me.

    except more X#@$ cleaning! this remodeling is going to kill me. dead.

    Most of my jobs had all the holidays off and when young, relished the sleeping late and not driving that commute... good stuff

    When I had my own retail business... I was never off. Holidays were my busiest days.

    Now? I just wonder what I'll have for breakfast this morning ... maybe it'll rain or not. check your blog and see what you're wondering about...

    1. I had some plain yogurt on top of some Vanilla flavored Chex cereal. Of course I added some agave to give it an extra shot of sweetness. It is a holiday you know.

  2. Labor Day is celebrated in many countries but for some of them it's May 1st.

    1. Yes, I heard that. Of course here, in order to get a day off work, it had to be on a weekday.

  3. Just watching the rain on all the campers that need to hook up and leave this morning.

    1. About the only thing I hook up when traveling is the electric. Sometimes the water. I never dump my waste tanks until they are almost full. Black first and grey last to wash out the hose.

  4. We slept in this morning... it was already 6:30 by the time we woke up. Bill is laboring away in his sister's garage... building shelves. I went to the cemetery where his parents, grandparents and some aunts and uncles are buried and recorded GPS coordinates of 13 gravesites... couldn't find the other 4. Then took the "scenic tour" back by finding a couple of geocaches. The streets were almost empty of vehicles!

    1. That is a great idea of taking coordinates of the gravesites. I need to do that the next time I am back up in Pennsylvania where most of my relatives are burried. Would save a lot of time if we or our son or others would like to find them.
