Saturday, August 31, 2013

After trip to new groomer.

I promised that I would post some pictures of our pups after they got back from the new groomers.  Of course I remember what Ole Ben of "An Older Texan Remembers" blog used to say about people who put lots of pictures of their kids and pets on their blogs.  It wasn't very nice, so I hope Ole Ben isn't watching what I post today.  You just never know. . .

OK.  I am going to start with the oldest.  This is my baby.  She is laying right next to me as I write this.  She took over after my Buttons passed away and has been the boss dog around here ever since.  This groomer put a pretty scarf around the girls' necks:

And the next picture is the male who is about a year younger than the female above.  He has completely different hair.  He has no undercoat and his hair is long and straight.  It flows with him as he prances around.  He knows he is good looking and just loves to chase females.  He gets frustrated because we had our girls fixed.

I am holding him.  Can you see a family resemblance?  What!!  you don't think I am as cute as he is?  What a downer. . . .

Since there are two girls and thus two pictures, he said that I should post two pictures of him, too.  I wonder who he is sticking his tongue out at?  Could it be the girls saying, "look at me; I am the star now!"

And this leads us to our "rescue" dog.  She is the youngest and has come a long way from the poor, mistreated, badly fed, and sick dog that she was when she was given to us.  After some surgery, a good diet, and lots of love, she turned into a healthy and good dog, too.

Yes, I know they aren't groomed to what a Shih-Tzu should look like, but rather, they are cut to make life easier for them and us.  The girls have undercoats and their hair, if left long, gets matted up very quickly, so it is best for them (and us) to be cut fairly close.

My wife cooks special for our pups.  They may not think so, but they live a very pampered life.  Yes, they do seem happy and contented most of the time.  Oh yes, we do love them very much.  They are our "kids".  Hope I didn't bore you (sorry Ben), but even if I did, I want you to have a great day, you hear?

My wife wanted me to clearify something.  She said that she checked with the vet to verify what the best menu would be for the dogs.  She said you just can't use anything that we would eat.


  1. What great "family portraits" you showed us. You have a lovely family... and that new groomer did just fine!

    1. Thanks, we think we have a great family, too. Yes, we are quite satisfied with the new groomer.

  2. What does your wife cook for the pups?

    1. She starts out with frozen tubes ground turkey which she drops into boiling water. After it cooks for awhile and can be broken up into small bits, she adds vegetables and pasta. She never puts anything into it that could harm them, like onions. They seem to really enjoy it and, although I am not allowed to get into it, I like it, too.

  3. I see some Maltese in dah little man! Our baby was in a puppy mill for three years! HE crawled up to ME to be rescued. I picked him up and held him for 9 hours, petting him constantly because I wanted him to feel LOVE before he died.

    As you can see from the photos on my blog, love is the ULTIMATE miracle worker.

    But he still hunkers down when we head for the door. To him, we're the "pack" and his alpha parents are leaving him.

    How I wish he knew that only death could separate us. And I DO fear dying and him thinking he's been abandoned.

    My greatest fear is him being sent to a pound (or dying of starvation) if we never make it home to him.

    And the joy of kids is over-stated. Dogs are constant in their love.

    1. Well stated, lotta joy. You haven't been loved until you are loved by a dog. My oldest one is so smart. She does love to watch TV.

    2. I should add that there is no Maltese in my little guy. He is onehundred percent Shih Tzu and has papers to prove it.

  4. butterbean carpenterAugust 31, 2013 at 12:42 PM

    Howdy DD,
    Those are some PRETTY PUPS, alright !!! Hope they liked the groomer too, also !

    I'd hate to think we had to have Charley groomed, he'd probably take the groomer's hand off...

    Y'all are so good to your 'kids' and the food your wife makes for them is probably 'safer' than the 'chicken offal'/parts that's in all of the other 'major' brands of dog food...

    Hope y'all have a really nice HAPPY DAY, with LOW HUMIDIDITY !! YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!

    1. Yeah right, low humiddity in East Texas??? But I will have great day anyway. Was just outside for a short time and came in soaken wet.

  5. The dogs are beautiful, all of them! I'm sure your wife cooks better and more nutritious food for them than any commercial dog food.

    1. Thanks Gypsy, we think they are beautiful, too. Yes, our oldest has a touchy stomach and home cooking is what she can stomache and keep down.

  6. Looks like none of the "kids" are the worse for wear after visiting the new groomer!

    Good looking , all of them!

    1. No Jim, they really look good. We all like the new groomer.

  7. aw ... little ol moppy dogs... you ever slide 'em across the floor to dust? hahaaa....

    I remember Ben ... I used to read his blog when I first started reading blogs and didn't understand all I knew about such.

    I began traveling and bookmarked his. I didn't read it for a bit then checked on him and found he had died. I did a blog post about him... can't remember when though. he was a fun read.

    beautiful family you got there, Dizzy ;) I love pictures of the kids and dogs and cats and all the stuff that makes us, us.

    1. Yes Carolyn, they do dust the floors but cause more dust (hair) than they pick up (grin). Back when we had the class-C motor home, we went up and spent a couple of days with him. He said what he meant no matter what. I do miss him along with The Old Fool and a few more that have disappeared.

  8. I don't see your response with your post about Ben... am I in the wrong place? I checked your latest post too ...

  9. Your "kids" are beautiful!

    There is a saying in Spanish "todo se parece a su duen~o" it means "everything looks like its owner"....and I do see the family resemblance with the boy dog :)
