Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wondering about a new (to me) bug.

Before it got dark last night, the sky was real clear and the moon was already bright.  I snapped this picture of it but it does not do it justice:

I have seen lots of bugs in my lifetime but this big ole grass hopper or cicada is new to me.  It is the biggest ole hopper I have ever seen:

Don't believe that it is a big one?  OK, I put a tape measure beside it, so see for yourselves:

He (or she) is actually quite beautiful.  Look closely and you will see many different colors.  It also has a streamlined shape.

I went inside the porch and took a picture of its underside.  If you are not too embarrassed to look, the picture is below:

Dang he or she is wearing yellow and black underwear !!  I am glad it came for a visit this morning.  He brightened up my day and I hope he does the same for you.  Now have a great day today, you hear?


  1. Have those sometimes,,not every year tho. Good fish bait. lol

  2. I believe you got yourself a "Horse Lubber" (Taeniopoda eques) grasshopper. We have them over here west of you and boy! do they every hit the windshield with a big bang and a yukky splat.

  3. HUGE bug... pretty bug. not too fond of bugs but that's a pretty one... his/her underwear didn't embarrass me at all.

    Have a great day, Dizzy! Starting off the day with a pretty bug is a fine way to begin. I think so. ;)

  4. DD, when I was young living out in west Texas we called them Jumbo grasshoppers.

  5. Trouble, I bet they are good fish bait and you would catch a whopper for sure!!

    The Odd Essay, I bet they do make a mess on the windshield. One time one the Outer Banks of N.C. the grasshoppers were so thick that cars were skidding off the road. They made the roads very slick after enough of them got run over.

    Carolyn, I bet people who eat grasshoppers would love this one (grin). Glad you arn't embarrassed.

    papoojack, That name suits them just fine. This is the first one that big I have ever seen.

  6. For a bug I'll have to admit it is striking in appearance! Actually beautiful.

  7. Gypsy, yes it is, that is why I took its picture.

    Jill, almsot as beautiful as you and I (grin).

  8. That's the biggest gol-dang grasshopper I ever did see. NOT too fond of the closeup...anything with more than four legs is asking for a whoopin'.

    1. This one took off and was heading for Floruba. Let me know when it gets there. Maybe you could come up with a good receipe to cook it. Some people eat them, you know. "Locus and wild honey" has been mentioned in the Bible.

    2. I think they meant steak and baked potatoes.

      If it ends up in my garden, you'll be able to hear the screams.

  9. Big one. Nothing like that out here in the frozen north. Pretty though.

    1. I always enjoy finding new things ever if they are bugs.
