Thursday, August 15, 2013

Wondering if things will get better

My son came up to help me with a couple of things on the RV.  Since I had an appointment to take the road test to get my license endorsement to drive it legally, I wanted him to do the walk around check to see if anything needed fixed.  He didn't find a single thing until he got to the front.  One of the three running lights above the windshield was not on.  To get to the bulb was a major chore balancing on the top of the step ladder.  He decided to go get his truck and back it up to the font of the RV and put the ladder up on the tail gait.  That worked.

The problem was the lens cover didn't want to come off and by forcing it, it broke.  Then we tried to get the bulb out but it was a special device and there was no way we could fix it.  Therefore, I had to make an appointment to head on down to Houston to get it fixed.

My son just got back the first of this week from his Sturgis S.D. trip.  On his way up there he had a blowout.  He got safely stopped but the front fender was damaged.  Not good.  That will cost a bunch to repair.

Here are a couple pictures of the tire that blew:

I called and cancelled my road test for tomorrow and will have to reschedule it after the light repair is completed.  I also need to get the RV inspected before the end of the month.  Dang, it sure is easier to drive without a license but not too smart, wouldn't you say.  Even a minor accident that was not your fault would cost you a lot if you are not licensed to drive the vehicle.  So, as I usually do, I obey the law and well do what it takes.  Then I had to go to the bank.  Always something.  For now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. At least I can drive my rig with just a basic license. I let my commercial license go years ago.

    Don't you hate to make a special trip to fix something that should be easy?

    Your son got lucky. That looks like a sudden and major failure. Could have caused a bad accident.

    1. Yes, he was lucky. It did cause over 5 grand of damage.

  2. I had a tire come apart and insurance fixed the body damage as comprehensive.

    1. His insurance will cover it once he pays the five hundred deductable.

  3. Better safe than sorry Dizzy-Dick. Oh my, look at those tyres. I'm just so glad that no-one got hurt in the process. Thank God, he was able to keep that vehicle under control.
    Well, both of you keep safe and I'll pop round later. Enjoy the rest of your week.

    1. Tires and equipment can be fixed or replaced but with loved-ones it is another story. He was lucky he could keep it under control. I have heard that a front blow out is easy to control than a rear. The rear mekes the vehicle want to skid.

  4. That blowout could have caused so much more damage and even worse, and your son is so fortunate to have gotten it under control. I agree with you it's better to do everything legally and avoid all the problems you could endure otherwise.

    1. He has a CDL license and a few times in his working carrier, he did drive big trucks. Not any more but still has the license in case he wants to it again.

  5. Either that was a bald tire, or the entire tread came off. So it was a re-tread tire? Baaaaaad gamble sometimes.

    Just place a solar light over your windshield, in the middle, and cover it with red duct tape. Hey, it works for most people down here!

    1. The whole tread came off and they were the tires that came on the truck. Although it was a used truck, the dealer said it had good tires on it.

  6. Glad he was able to keep his truck under control and that he has insurance to get it fixed.

    Would love to see pictures of his Sturgis trip...did he go to the bike rally?

    1. MsB, Yes, he went to the bike rally. He, his girlfriend, and buddy all have Harleys. I will see if he will give me some pictures. I guess I could get them off our my book page.
