Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Wondering why my wife wants a Ninja?

Yesterday, my wife said that she wants a Ninja.  What??  Will a Samurai do?  Am I not good enough to protect you?  She said no, she wants a Ninja and she wanted to go to Wal-Mart to get one.  Dang, I know they sell a large variety of stuff, but Ninjas??
 Or one like this guy who doesn't look very oriental:

Or one like this:

So, we head on in to town and park in Wal-Marts parking lot.  We go inside and she goes straight to the Ninja display.  Wow, I guess Wal-Mart does sell Ninjas!

Well, it wasn't exactly what I expected a Ninja to be but it sure was a relief that it wasn't like the ones pictured above.  OK, wait a minute and I will go take a picture of her new Ninja. . . .

OK, I am back with the picture.  Ready?

Here it is:

She used it last night to chop up stuff for our salads.  We make a meal out of salads so this gadget will save her a lot of chopping by hand and the danger of cutting her own fingers.  It only takes about a second or two to chop everything up.  Seriously, that is all the longer it takes.  Scared the dogs the first time she turned it on.  Powerful little guy.  Guess that is why they call it a Ninja. . .

Now, eat your salads and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Some of those gadgets can be pretty handy. My son uses a baby food maker to puree up a healthy breakfast smoothy every single day. I only like the gadgets if there aren't too many parts to wash.

  2. Jill, my wife tells me this one is easy to clean. I assume a "baby food maker" is the about the same thing. If we just hit the on button for a second, it sure chops up salad makings.

  3. Just the morning (around 2am or so) at work we were watching the infomercial for the Nuribullet (says somehking about how boring work it...). I have the MagicBullet, and so 2 guys and I had about a half hour discussion of the pros and cons. Now I can mention there is yet another option to consider. I hope she like her Ninja as much as I like my MagicBullet.

  4. I also wanted a Ninja Blender but the price? sheee boy ... I settled for hmm which one did I get.... guess I could get up and check but suffice it say it was a less expensive brand.

    I like smoothies. good morning, Dizzy ;) and I plan on having a great day .... why not.

  5. I got me one them things too. Ain't no Ninja or nuttin like that, but it do a good job chop'n stuff up. Gonna have to take it to the car wash if'n I ever use it again.

  6. Since we don't have a TV we don't even know about the latest and greatest until everyone has one.... so far my Chicago Cutlery knife works okay, but there are times I wish I had the food processor that's stored in Ohio. We did buy a miniature food processor to chop up razor clams when we lived in Alaska, but those clams were too tough for the chopper. Do you think the Ninja has enough oomph?

  7. shadownoss, so far so good. It does a good job, for sure.

    Carolyn, This is the small one and cost somewhere under twenty dollars. The bigger ones are a lot more expensive.

    Billy Bob, and maybe you should take all them dishes that pile up in the sink along with chopper to the car wash. Sounds like a plan to me.

    The Odd Essay, I don't know, but it sure sounds like it has a lot of oomph. I wouldn't want to stick my finger in it. Just ask our dogs how loud it sounds (grin).

  8. Sounds like the wife has something to play with that you can both enjoy! If it makes food more interesting and fast, how can you lose?

    1. That's for sure, H.J. I love anything that makes food for me (grin).

  9. Doesn't it slush things down too fine??

    I love things that serve two purposes. I used to grind my own coffee beans, now I use the coffee grinder to pulverize nuts to make cookies.

    1. No it doesn't if you just tap it a couple of times. But it will slush stuff up if you run it any length of time over a second or two.

  10. I have a very tiny blender thingy, does the same thing. And you can touch the button for a quick chop too. Don't know what they cost, got this one at a garage sale.

    1. I like it, comes in handy. We eat a lot of salads as a meal and so far it has had a lot of use.
