Saturday, August 24, 2013

Wondering about favorite foods.

This is a tough subject for me because I like just about everything except coconut and licorice.  I suppose I should add Castor oil to that list, too (grin).  I suppose the top few would have to include baked macaroni and cheese and the way my Mother used to make her version of wilted lettuce, which she served over mashed potatoes.  Meats are good, too.  When I lived in Michigan for about a year, I found a restaurant near where I worked where I ate lunch a lot, that served the best grilled liver I have ever had.  They let you order it like steak and I always ordered mine rare to medium-rare depending on how blood thirsty I was that day (grin).  It was soooo goood!!

I believe I told you before that I love the white boudin sausage that usually comes from Louisiana.  I even mention it in a few of my blogs.  And another thing that I love (and I mentioned it before, too) is stuffed jalapenos.  And I also mentioned that Jack-in-the-Box has the best I have ever had.  So, last night, I had a double treat.  I had boudin sausage along with cheese stuffed deep fried jalapenos from Jack-in-the-Box.  Yum, Yum!!  I was in seventh heaven for sure.  Then, later in the evening I had me some Blue Bell chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.  Sort of like the icing on the cake, although I don't care much for cake.  Now, I hope I didn't make you too hungry or sick, but I want you all to have a very good day, you hear?


  1. Somedays it just doesn't get any better than favorite foods...

  2. That is for sure and I love almost every food so I have a lot favorites.

  3. Right now we have some chili relenos and some tamales from El Modelo (a carry-out food place in ABQ) some roasted green chilies from Sechler's, and maybe a bottle of Dos Equis in the fridge... doesn't get much better than that!

    1. I love chili relenos, especially the chicken ones. Did you save one for me?

    2. You have me pining for some good Mexican food.
      I must remember El Modelo if I ever get back to Albuquerque. I would have to go with Negra Modelo rather than the Dos Equis, a Dos Equis Amber would work however.

  4. Glad I just finished breakfast,,,lolollol

  5. food. I'm with you Dizzy... not much I don't like. that's my problem... in these later years, I've just about become a vegetarian

    I do believe if I had to pick my favorite meal, it would be fresh purple hull peas, fried okra (not the package kind) fresh from the garden ~ sliced thinly and rolled in corn meal and fried ... mashed potatoes from scratch, hot buttered cornbread, home grown sliced tomatoes red and ripe ... green onions and unsweetened iced tea

    AND fresh, still warm from the oven coconut cream pie...


    1. That meal sounds real good to me!! Except for the coconut cream pie.

  6. Gonna throw some locally raised steaks on the grill with a side of fresh corn on the cob. Simple but good.

    1. Steak sounds good but I don't eat corn anymore since I found out that it comes straight out of the field contaminated with mico-toxins and gets worse when stored in a silo.

  7. If you have access to an organic foods store, and many large supermarkets have an organic section, you can sometimes still find good corn. The taste tells you it's like you remembered as a kid, when our foods weren't poisoned by Monsanto and Con Agra. Note: I don't trust anything from Walmart (sorry Walmart fans) and especially anything fresh they call organic. I like to get fruits & veggies from the farmer.

    1. Even if you grow your own corn it will be contaminated by mico-toxins which are a by-product of yeast or mold. Peanuts are as bad if not worse. I used to grow peanuts in my garden. Since they form under-ground, they get mold on them. I worked with a guy who came from Philly and he heard I grew peanuts, he wanted to see my peanut tree. Peanuts are not nuts, they a legumes.

    2. Was the corn contaminated when we were kids? I will take my chances when I find an organic grower. I don't eat corn all that much, but a couple of times a year it is so tasty.

    3. It probably was. My Dad and I used to sit down and eat two dozen ears at one meal. My Mom always made us eat a piece of bread first. Said it would keep us from getting cornitis. It sure was tasty.
