Sunday, August 25, 2013

Wondering about another wildflower.

We have been in drought conditions here for a long, long time, at least a couple of years of way below normal rainfall.  But the thing that amazes me is that it hasn't (as yet) affected the wildflowers that grow on my property.  At least, not too much.

I noticed this pretty flowering vine growing in the brush next to the dogs fenced in yard and thought that it was really pretty.  Here is a picture of it.

It's name is Butterfly Pea (Centrosema virginianum).

I am reposting the one from a past blog.  Its name is Rattlebush (Sisbania drummondii).  Just wanted to clear up what this wildflower is.  They always brighten up my day and I hope they did yours, too.  No matter what brightens your day, make sure you have a real good day, you hear?


  1. All those wild flowers are so pretty and quite resilient despite all the heat and a slight lack of water. Well, our day is brightening up, as it was pouring of rain all day yesterday until this morning and now the sun is shining with a hot heat as if nothing happened. That's my England, and it's Bank Holiday tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your weekend Dizzy-Dick.

    1. It is cloudy here and threatening to rain, but haven't seen any yet. I think it is bluffing.

    2. They have been predicting rain for days, I think it's all in their imagination!
      Beautiful flowers.
      Happy Tails,and Trails, Penny

  2. Morning, Dizzy ;) I love your pictures of the wildflowers. I love wildflowers. I don't know their names but I love driving about in Texas and seeing fields of them.

    Good ol Lady Bird ;)

    1. Lady Bird didn't plant these but she sure did along all the highways. Yep, good ol Lady Bird.

  3. Rattlebush looks to be correct from here. I read about it and found that it is perennial and a shrub rather than what I think of as a weed. Have you never noticed the blooms before? It looks like it is a rather small plant right now but can grow to be a tall shrub. Can you leave it where it is without it causing problems as it gets bigger?

    1. Yes, I think they can stay where they are. The one is next to the drive-way, so if it gets too big I can trim it some.

  4. Funny, I just came in from walking the dog and was admiring our own wildflowers. I was also enjoying a few black raspberries. They are having a great year and I'm eating them by the handful.

    1. The black berries and dew berries down here were producing back in the Spring time. None now, but the wild grapes are forming and will be ripe soon.

  5. Those flowers are beautiful! I don't think I've ever seen either of them. It's raining out here in Farmington, NM today... (kind of dreary, but very welcome)... so your flowers do brighten my day.

    1. I would have thought that you saw them with all your camping in Texas and surrounding states. So glad that I was able to "brighten" up your day.

  6. They are both very pretty flowers, and I can't pick one I like over the other.

  7. I love making those kinds of discoveries in my yard or on walks. Just beautiful.

  8. Gypsy, Yes, I agree, they are both very pretty. I love what nature can do without man's interference.

    Jill, it pays to be observant.
