Friday, August 23, 2013

Wandering to get RV inspected and son's solar stuff.

Since I found out that I need a special driver's license to drive my RV, I have to take advantage of my son while he is on vacation.  My state inspection was due to run out by the end of this month, so I asked him to drive it in to the place that I usually get my inspections done.  I have let him drive it before and I sat in the front right seat.  This short trip, my wife went along and sat up there so I got to stretch my legs out on one of couches.  Never road back there before and it was quite relaxing.

Do you see my boots and stretched out legs?  I told him he could be our driver any time he is available.  He looks like he is enjoying himself in the picture below.

After we got back home, he wanted us to walk down to his place and see the solar panels that he was installing. 

He only has one battery in place to test the unit.  He said it gets over 13 volts.  Notice he has a back-up generator on the bottom. 

The trouble is that the light from the sun is filtered through the trees.

I enlarged the lower left corner of the above picture so you could see the sticker on the back of the panels.

There, you had a tour to town in the RV and a visit to our son's backyard.  We had a good day, now you all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. I enjoyed your tour very much. Your son has a great smile ;)

    1. He sure does. Thanks, I will tell him that another beautiful women thinks he has a nice smile.

  2. Two of my friends have solar/generator backups much like your son's.

    Bet that is a great ride back there in motor home.

    1. We get huricanes here in thes area and I when that happens I take the motor-home and get it out of harms way. He stays here, so he needs some kind of back-up. I had a 120-230 volt generator that would run pump on my well, but my grandson took it to work on it and I have no idea where it is now. Been gone for a couple of years or so.

    2. Don't you just love that, when our kid's or grand/kids borrow stuff and all of a sudden it's there's' and in the shop so you have to go over there and get and then find out the oxygen tank is empty and ow you have to a trip over the bridge to other state and get it filled just so you can cut a piece of steel to fix the hitch on your truck. Sorry about that rambling on it just brought it to my mind....Nice motor-home Dizzy

  3. You have a smart son who is ready with back-up plans... I bet he took after his Dad ;-) You gave us the tour, but didn't show us that coveted sticker on your windshield... but of course you passed!

    1. Got the sticker, now I need to pass the driving test. Since I have been driving it for a few years and many miles I hope it will not be too hard for me to pass although I have never parallel parked it.

  4. That should be a piece of cake seeing all the miles you have on it...

  5. Howdy DD,
    Thanx, for the ride and enjoyed the visit to your son's place... He sure does have a positive attitude and a HAPPY DAY smile !!!

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