Thursday, August 22, 2013

Wondering if the seasons are changing.

Wow how time flies!!  Here we are, sweltering in the heat of summer and then I saw some hope.  Fall must be getting near (no, it doesn't show up here until December) because in our excursion to town yesterday, I spotted this tree, which I call, Pumpkin Time:

It was located just a short distance inside the doors of Hobby Lobby.  For any of you who are not familiar with Hobby Lobby, it is a huge craft, hobby, and decoration store about the size of a Wal-Mart.  It is huge and has most anything you may want to keep you busy for a few lifetimes.

My wife gets most of her crafting supplies there along with yarn for her crocheting and weaving and what ever else she does with it.  Supplies for almost any hobby you have can be found here.  I get most of my painting supplies there.  They have a huge selection of paints (oils and acrylics) and brushes and . . . heck, I ain't going to list everything they have, I would be writing for months to get that done and I just want to post this and see what all the other bloggers are up to.  Have a great day, you hear?


  1. See what the other bloggers are up to... HAhaaa

    Morning, Dizzy ;) I love Hobby Lobby. I love the way it smells. I used to have a bead and candle shop ... I got to shop Hobby Lobby tax free. I would buy emergency supplies ~ findings, etc. as well as containers and all manner of great stuff... even furniture.

    I could spend an afternoon there. Their framing department is great. I love going when they have aisles of decorated Christmas trees.

    We have several in my area and I enjoy going to each. When they have a sale? oh boy... love it when they have 50% off the silk flowers...

    I used to put those in various containers to make oil candles. I just might go today. It's going to be hot for days ... back in triple digits.

    I knew it was coming ... that's why the past couple of weeks was so special... 70's and 80's in August?

    If I go to the closest one ... I could also go to the Golden Corral and have lots of vegetables and salad. After 2pm, us old folk get a discount.

    surprisingly, they do not overcook the vegetables. plus it helps to watch all the other fat folk stuff their faces and that keeps me from overeating… doesn't keep me from being fat but it does make me eat less…. good diet plan. ha

    Well, see there ya go, Dizzy... you helped plan my day! Hobby Lobby and Golden Corral... woot!

    you know yer old when that's considered an exiting day! hahaaa

    1. That may be too exiting for me to go to both places on the same day. But I would enjoy it.

  2. I LOVE Hobby Lobby! One of my favorite places to kill a few hours.

    1. My wife goes one way and I go another and between us we cover the whole store. If I can't find her, I go to the yarn department where she usually ends up.

  3. How I miss Hobby Lobby. It gave me a sense of peace and wonder just walking through. Florida....I guess these old people are too into their golf games to be crafters, so I'm adrift without my Hobby Lobby fix.

    1. As far as I know there is only one in Florida and it is near Tampa.

  4. I enjoyed going to Hobby Lobby when I lived in Houston just to look around. BTW did they ever re-built the one that burnt down on I-45 North?

    Halloween is just around the corner and I so enjoyed that holiday as a kid and even more now as an adult because that means I get to spend it in Terlingua.

    Yep...two months and 9 days for my trip to South Brewster County :-)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. We were stuck in traffic when a big store burnt near I-45 north but that was a Graden Ridge Pottery.

  5. I get overwhelmed going into Michael's Crafts sometimes! I'm not much of a shopper and it doesn't take much to overwhelm me.

  6. I bought 3 new brushes at Michael's way back in May before we did that gate-guarding job... still haven't used them. Sometimes I get a little embarrassed that I don't use some of the talents that God gave me, but have come to the conclusion that it's "everything in it's own time". I'll use those brushes one of these days. About the seasons... time just goes by WAY too fast... I think school must be starting soon here (NM)... the school marques (yes, they all have them) say "Meet the Teachers" and stuff like that. Wal-Mart has back to school displays... with a kiosk of hand-outs for your kid's needs for his/her class. Then.. I wake up and look at the calendar... it's almost the end of August... how the heck did THAT happen? No wonder there are pumpkin displays around!

  7. I love Hobby Lobby and I wish there was one within easy driving distance of me.

  8. Gypsy, there is a Michael's store right across the street from Hobby Lobby. If you can't find it in one go to the other.

    The Odd Essay, Maybe some day we can both find time to do some painting. I am not very good but I like to paint. If I enjoy it, it doesn't matter what it looks like. Right?

    Jill, My wife prints out Hobby Lobby's coupon every week for the thirty percent off one item. Yesterday she spent less than four dollars, Probably cost more than that in gas just to get there.
