Saturday, July 13, 2013

Wondering about Comet ISON.

I have been wondering about Comet ISON ever since I first heard about it awhile back, and so have a lot astronomers.  The reason everyone is wondering about it is because comets are on the unpredictable side.  The path is predictable but the brightness is not.  Some say it will be the brightest comet seen by anybody alive today.  Now that is saying something!!  I remember seeing a couple of pretty bright and large comets in my life and they were not very many years ago.  There was Hale-Bopp, Hyakkutake, West, and a few more.  Now they are predicting that comet ISON may outshine all the ones that I have seen before.  That means it will be quite impressive, since some of the ones I have seen have been very bright.

It will be its brightest this coming Autumn, so we will just have to wait and see how bright it decides to be.  Some say it will be as bright as a full moon.  No, not as large, just as bright.  Now, that would be spectacular but as I said before, they are unpredictable and seem to have a mind of their own.  I, for one, am looking forward to seeing it at its brightest.  Yes, of course I will let you know more about it as it gets closer to the sun.  As my Granddad always said as we were driving off after visiting with him, "Keep looking upwards".  And, have a great day, you hear?

tely, Comet ISON w


  1. Grrrrrrrr.......

    I seen a star one time. Big bright one. Now that I'm old, that star ain't there no more. I often wonder if'n it crashed head long into another star an' blow slap up. That could happen ya know.

    1. Maybe it did crash into another star and that would cause a big explosion. Or it could have collected so much matter that it became a black hole. Who know, I just hope you didn't wish upon that star.

  2. I can't remember if I've ever seen a comet or not, but I like to look for shooting stars.

    1. Shooting stars are quite impressive when earth flys through a bunch of dust or a comet trail.

  3. Hmmm... your post reminds me that it's only a few weeks until the Perseoid meteorite shower.... maybe this year it won't be overcast during the prime time.

    1. Yep, I hope I remember to go out and look.

    2. Maybe we can remind each other when the time comes... you'll probably do a great blog about it all ;-)

    3. That sounds like a plan to me.

  4. You will have to remind me to be on the look out for it. Like Gypsy I can not remember if I have ever seen one before.

    Maybe it will pass when I am in Terlingua this fall and I will be able to see it in all its glory :)

    1. I will try to remind you. The darker the sky the better to see them. Once I was in an airliner and they looked like they were coming down to our level. But things are deceiving. It was a pretty sight.

  5. I shall keep looking upwards. And have a starry night, my friend.

    1. It has been awhile since I have had my big telescope out, will have to do that one of these clear nights. It is a lot of work getting it our and set up. The shipping weight on it was 250 pounds. I take it out in two pieces and put it together outside.
