Sunday, July 14, 2013

Wondering about El Dorado.

Hey, I like gold, don't you?  It is bright and shiny and and never tarnishes like other metals, even silver.  You just got to like something like that.  It is even a sport for me.  Yep, I like to hunt for gold in the wild.  It is hard to catch but the chase is worth it.  I belong to the G.P.A.A.  which stands for Gold Prospectors of America Association.  It is a great organization and does a lot to preserve places where amateur prospectors can go and hunt for gold.  They also hold "outings" where its members can come and enjoy both the fellowship of other members and join in on the group digs where they divide up what ever is found with all in attendance.

OK, got a little off the subject.  Now, who was El Dorado?  Yes, he was a real person.  He was a South American tribal chief who rubbed oil all over his body and then dusted himself with gold dust.  Talk about over accessorizing!!  Not just a gold ring or  necklace, but gold all over.  OK, just sit back, relax, and dream of El Dorado but most importantly, have a great day, you hear?


  1. I dream of having a personal cook and maid!

  2. I never knew that about El Dorado and wonder why YOU do. Now I have to google him and see what he did when he was all glittered up.

  3. I always feel bad about how many people (and entire civilizations) have been murdered for gold. The population of South & Central American were nearly wiped out by the Spanish in their quest for gold.

    1. Like the old saying goes "Money (or gold) is the root of all evil".

  4. DD I just don't know how I miss your posts,,missed this one, until now.

    1. That's OK, I missed your comment until just now. I guess it is better late than never.
