Friday, July 12, 2013

Last trip to groomer and my catch of the day.

I will start with the groomer.  He isn't a young pup but more like my age or a year or two older, so, I guess he has the right to hang it up if he wants to.  I have posted blogs about him before with all the birds he once raised and his kennel where he raised different breeds of dogs.  He is where our Chang Le came from.  Our pups didn't care at all if he was leaving, they just wanted to go home.  I must say that they do love him and Muffin always wants to give him kisses and she is the one that gives him the hardest time.  Muffin is very stubborn and she trains you instead of you training her.  Here is a picture of our three pups waiting to go home:

And of course a picture of the dog's groomer:

He looks pretty good and we hope he has a long and happy retirement.  He is the fellow that died on the way to the hospital and after they got him there they got him revived.  I don't think any of the docs knew what went wrong.  He sure is in good shape for a guy that died a couple of years ago.  BTW, he still smokes a lot.  I guess he figures "why should I quit now".

OK, I went fishing yesterday.  OK, it was only fishing around at a yard sale and here is what I caught.  It sure put up a fight:

In the above picture, my wife was kind enough to cut off the part of my head where my forehead is enlarging (grin).  She also wanted to take another one in the shade.  She was afraid that the hot, bright sun would wash out the details in the picture.  So, here is one she took in the shade:

Eat you heart out Barney and Billy Bob, I am such a good fisherman I can catch a fish at a yard sale.  Let me see you beat that!!!


  1. DD, that ain't one of them dang noisy dancing fish is it. If so it would make a good target. (Fishing with a shotgun)

    1. No, it is just a stuffed fish that just lays there.

  2. Yep, the OFM and Billy Bob will have a tough time beating that!

    1. A Fish caught at a yard sell is like a fish out of water (grin). They can't compete with me, I can even catch a fish where there is no water. . .

  3. I'm with David on this one. That ain't no real fish Dizzy. You should have knowed that at first glance.

    1. Oh dang, now you tell me. I thought it tasted a little dry and fuzzy.

  4. It's been a LONG time since I took a Fish Identification class (not being too familiar with fishing I darned near flunked it anyway) I kept lookin at that fish... wonderin what the heck it is... finally read the other comments. Darn... I think it's a Wal-Mart Aisle 27 Fish.... usually seen around the Christmas season when kids don't know what to buy that dad for Christmas, but sometimes lurks on posts disguised as a mailbox... open mouth... insert mail. If you're lucky (or maybe unlucky) the darned thing will talk to you. A little hard to gut and clean, but fresh batteries do wonders.

    1. You got it right. It is cloth filled with some kind of stuffing. I don't think the stuffing is cornbread. . .

  5. Hello friend,

    Bonus points for commenting at four in the morning?

    Me thinks the three dogs couldn't wait to get home.

    That fish, I can see right through that one. And no fish jokes, I promise. Just for the halibut, I must say you look rather angelic in that last photo.

    Y'all have a good one. You hear?

    Gary, somewhere in lil' ol' England :)

  6. Thanks for commenting at 04:00 but it is only 22:00 here as I reply. Maybe you should get some sleep. And yes, the dogs couldn't wait to get home. And that was a fish story for sure.

  7. I wish your dog groomer well in his well earned retirement especially after having died and been revived.

    Dizzy if you weren't so thin you could find part time work as Santa during the Christmas season :)

    1. MsB, He will be traveling aroung the country to visit relatives for the first few months and then move in with his daughter just up the road from me. He says he will stop by once in a while. BTW, I like venison too much to be Santa (grin).

  8. Love those dogs, those lucky, lucky dogs. Kiss 'em for me.
