Monday, July 8, 2013

My wife's shades of greys.

I have posted before some of the wonderful cards that my wife makes for my Aunt who is in a nursing home.  She mails one each weekday (the only time our post office is open for business) and therefore, has to be quite creative when coming up with new ideas.  Sometimes I help her out and make some, mostly using my computer and an AutoCAD program.  And yes, I can insert pictures, etc. into an AutoCAD drawing.  I then print it out on card stock and cut to size.  I cheat, but my wife makes them by hand.  Not only does she draw with her ink pens on the card, but also on the envelope to match.  The drawing on the envelope is like a preview of the card inside.

OK, I suppose you want to see a couple of them.  Being it was just the weekend, she got a couple made up ahead of time.  Here is the first one:

And of course the envelope that goes with it:


And another one:

 With its envelope:

Now, a picture of the pens that inspired the title to this blog:

Now, one of these needs mailed today and it needs a poem.  So, I better get busy and write at least one.  What is a card without a verse or two.  By the way, my wife just finished another card, but since I am at the end of writing this posting I am going to be a meanie and not scan and post it.  Yes, like I have said before, I am lazy.  Now, for all you poor souls who have to return to work today, I hope you have a good one.  Just think, to us retired folks, a holiday is just another day; every day is a holiday (grin).  Now, have a great day anyway, you hear?


  1. I still can't believe yall can come up with these cards 5 times a week...awesome!

    1. It gives us something to do and keeps us busy. Got to keep doing things like that at my age.

  2. Your wife could make a lot of money on her artwork if she was so inclined. I am in awe of the effort she puts in to make someone's days a little better.

    1. That would take the fun out of it. Don't you know old people like us don't need to make money cause the governtment sends us money every month (grin). It is called social security.

  3. It must be wonderful to get those cards. Something nice to look forward to. It must get to be a creative challenge sometimes.

    Beautiful work.

    1. It is a challenge. They tell me that everyone, nurses included, that visit my aunt like the cards.

  4. My friend,

    The cards your good lady makes are awesome. I've no doubt these little treasures are trinkets of joy for your beloved aunt.

    Happy all the time holiday to you, good sir.


    1. I tell her that and she says they could be better. I think they are perfect. Yes, my aunt looks forward to them.

  5. Beautiful. You will have come up with high quality poetry befitting such drawings.

    1. I sure do try. Didn't you know that I am a poet and don't know it. . .

  6. Beautiful drawings and your wife must be extremely creative to be doing this each week with envelopes to match. What a nice way to spend your time.
    Well, I must go back to enjoying the great weather we are having in London at the moment. It's reaching record heights. Have a lovely week Dizzy-Dick and I'll be back soon.

    1. It is a nice way to spend our time. Glad you are having nice weather, so enjoy it while you have it. Of course it is always nice here in Texas (grin).
