Tuesday, July 9, 2013

No post today.

No problem, just brain dead (grin).  Can't think of a subject to blog about, so am going to take the day off.  You all have a great day, you hear?


  1. You could talk about golf. I know you know nothing about golf so it would be really interesting to hear your mind meanders on the subject.

    1. The only golf I ever played was miniture golf. Golf would have taken away my fishing time.

  2. You could certainly tell us some fish stories!

  3. DD needs to be more like the OFM. The OFM doesn't let the truth get in the way of a story.

  4. Brought a chuckle... there are days I can't think of a darned thing to write about, but hadn't thought to just say... no post today. Very clever ;-)

  5. Guess you caught up with me,,,, brain dead at times. Or,,,whatever, just nothing to write about.

  6. Gypsy, yes I could and believe me, they would be all true.

    Barney, you got enough true stories, you don't need to stretch the truth any. Except maybe how good the fishing was. . .

    The Odd Essay, if I just didn't post, people would think that this old gezzer just up and died. Well, I am glad to report that I am stell kicking.

    Trouble, Sometimes I think zombies are more alive than I am. I guess it is just all in my mind.

  7. We all have those off days. I certainly have my share!

    Maybe we just need a change of scenery!

    1. H.J., I need something, that is for sure. I woke up brain dead without any new ideas.

  8. I hope you enjoyed your free day. We all needs those once in a while. Enjoyed seeing your wife's artwork in the last post. She is very talented!

    1. Jill, wasn't actually a free day, just woke up brain dead without any ideas. Thanks for the complement on my wife's cards, I will pass it on to her.

  9. And there I was thinking it was just me that had a brain dead issue, and I don't even blog every day. Anyway, hope you had a nice time, what did you end up doing Dizzy-Dick?
