Sunday, July 7, 2013

Wondering how to skin a cat.

OK, now that I have upset a few people maybe I better clarify what my title really means.  First, let me ask how many of you have heard or used the saying "there is more than one way to skin a cat"?  I also wonder how many of you thought that saying meant to skin a kitty cat?  Well, you are wrong!  That old saying was about skinning catfish, right?  Yes and no.  Yes it was in the southern states of the U.S.A., but elsewhere in the world it meant other things.  Mark Twain wrote in 1855: "she was wise, subtle, and knew more than one way to skin a cat".

I have never skinned a four legged cat, so I have no idea how many ways there are to do it.  I have, although, when I was in grade school about a hundred or so years ago, used one to rub a glass rod to show the effects of static electricity.  Just remember that when you start a project, there are multiple ways of doing it, so maybe you should not get started on anything that requires work, but just sit down and see how many other ways there are of doing it; you know, how many ways to skin a cat.  Just have a good day, you hear?


  1. 'Ther is more than one way to skin a cat'. We normally use that saying in a negative light. For example when things go wrong and didn't pan out our way, we use that quote to state that there are more ways than you can imagine to get someone back for what they have done to you. Not even sure where it came from, but it's as good as it's word...

    1. Yep, I guess if it doesn't work out the first time, you try it another way.

  2. I always used that logic to do things faster or better,,,more ways than one.

    1. I agree, always think what the options are. Some are much better than others.

  3. It's the lazy man who finds an easy way.

    1. You are so right, but I have become a lazy man in my old age. But I prefer to say it takes a wise man to find an easy way (grin).

  4. Thanks for reading our blog and welcome. I now will follow you too. I love reading what others are doing. Thanks to gypsy!

    1. I always like to welcome new followers and hope to meet you in person some day. So far I have had the opportunity to meet some of the other bloggers.

  5. When I buy me a new toy or some complicated piece of equipment, I never read the directions for assembly or directions how to operate the daa gum thing. That's when "there's more than one way to skin cat".

    1. Of course someone like you that "fixes" things would have to put things together his way. I am sort of like that, too. Directions are for dummies, right?

  6. butterbean carpenterJuly 10, 2013 at 9:51 PM

    Howdy DD,

    Yep, there's more than one way to skin a cat and I used to could 'do' it, when I was about 12-14 years old!!! First you need a pipe/bar over your head, then do a chin-up, drop back about half-way, draw your knees up as far as they will go towards your chest and rotate your body through your arms, legs first; that's skinning; then you reverse and that's un-skinning.... Takes a pretty in-shape person to do it....
