Saturday, June 29, 2013

Thank you Jill.

On the way back from the flea market today, since I didn't pick up the mail yesterday, we went on down to the post office and I got my mail.  Sure glad that I did!!  I got a beautiful 3D post card from Jill Eudaly of  "Recycled Daze".  Now, that made my day.  Thank you very much, Jill.  That was a very pleasant surprise and my wife and I got a kick looking at that three dimension card.  The depth of it was fantastic.  It seemed like I could just step into that card and walk around with our founding fathers as they were signing the declaration of independence.  If you haven't already, go check out her blog, she is quite the artist and has had her work published in magazines in the recent past.

Good timing Jill, the 4th of is just about upon us.  The only bad thing about this holiday and new years eve, is the fireworks and firecrackers going off all over the place.  It is so dry there will probably be some fires caused by them.  Those two holidays are feared by my oldest dog.  She is deathly afraid of anything that goes bang or boom.  Then it is "a whole lot of shak'n going on" for sure.  Thanks again Jill and you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I never did like fireworks or firecrackers and think the sale of them should be banned. Of course the males of the country would protest their right to set off noisy devices that are dangerous in areas of drought. Hope you don't have any fires nearby.

    1. Gypsy, there is a lot of dollars spent on fireworks around here twice a year.

  2. Glad the postcard made it! I was amazed by the 3D image.
    Happy 4th of July!

    1. Very thoughtful of you and we do appreciate it. It is amazing how deeply the 3D effect is.

  3. Sure do wished you would have took a pic to show what ya got in the mail. Some times I worry bout you Dizzy Dick.

    Big ol' firecrackers are cool. Cherry bombs an' M-80's....yeah, that what I'm talk'n bout.

  4. Billy Bob, I was going to post it but there is no way to see the 3D illusion. Anyway, I am being lazy today.

  5. Even if we can not see the 3D illusion it would have been nice to see it.

    I dread the 4th of July and New Year's too because the idiots from the city come out to the county where it is legal to set off fireworks.

    1. OK, I will post it on tomorrow's blog posting.

  6. Been hearing a lot of gun fire around here and that's iin the big city! I'll take fireworks over that any time because you never know where the slugs might come down. Not a fun thing to have them drop near you. Been there and had that happen in years past. Sounds like an interesting card!
