Sunday, June 30, 2013

Exo-Planets and Jill's card.

We may not be alone!!  But all the aliens are very far away.  Why do I say this.  Well, some astronomers have been planet hunting and have bagged quite a few of them, some of which are near Earth size.  The actual figure of known planets that we have found so far is 2740.

Three hundred and fifty one of them are Earth size.  Some may be in their star's habital zone, and even if they are not, some may have places on it that can support life as we know it.  Of course there could be other forms of life.  We on earth are carbon based life forms but there may be silicon base life forms, also.  Sometimes the silicon chip in my computer thinks it has a life of its own. . .
Yesterday, Billy Bob of  Billy Bob's Travels  asked me to post a picture of the 3D card.  I told him that it would not show up very well and of course the 3D part sure wouldn't.  He insisted so here is the card that Jill of  "Recycled Daze" sent to me (the damage in the lower right corner was probably done by post office sorting machines):


So, I have taken you from outer space to back in history to the signing of the Declaration of Independence.  That all for today, so have a great day, you hear?


  1. The discovery of all these earth-like planets has made the universe a more interesting place. We have us some neighbors, on the scale of the universe anyway.

    Darn speed of light, holding everyone back.

  2. It's pretty likely that there is life out there somewhere, but I hope I never know or get to meet it. I like the analogy made by Stephen Hawking about the Europeans finding new worlds, and squashing or enslaving all the life they found. I think we'll be toast if the other-worlders get here.

  3. Sixbears, yep, speed limit of all kinds hold us back (grin).

    Gypsy, the reverse may be true, we may be the ones invading another planet someday and eventually mess it up as we did our own.

    1. Geeze Dizzy, I don't see nuttin mess up about our planet. If 2 degs warmer than it was 200 year ago is messed up, them I'm messed up.

    2. I think the last few days have neen a lot more than 2 degrees warmer (grin).

  4. And anyhows....what was I gonna say? Oh yeah, bout that 3d photo. Ya see, to make it 3d on your computer, ya gotta get way up close to the screen. Look at it cross eyed....takes bout 3 to 10' walla, it's 3d. Kind of like them pictures they got hang'n on the wall in most vision clinics. You got to stare at 'em for a bit before ya see what they got hid in 'em.

    1. You got to get your nose out of the way. Seriously, it was the best 3D image I have ever seen. It had a lot of depth. Too bad I couldn't show exactly what it was like.

  5. I am not too worried about life in other planets but I do worry about what we have done and continue doing to ours.

    That is a pretty card...Jill is a talented lady.

    1. MsB, I ain't worreid about either; won't be around long enough for it to matter. And yes, Jill is a talented lady.
