Friday, June 28, 2013

Wondering about . . . relatives?

Well, here I was.  Just sitting on the couch with my mind occupied with something on my computer. . . you know important stuff like computer games.  I don't like those modern games, but prefer the old standbys, like Mahjong and 10 Mahjong and Minesweeper and games like that.  I thought I heard my wife say something about her daughters.  THAT got my attention.  Daughters??  As far as I know, we only had two sons and one of them was killed in a traffic accident.  So, she has daughters??  The things you learn about your spouse after almost 50 years of marriage!

I had to ask her the BIG question.  "What daughters?"  She said the ones she bought awhile back.  OK, this is getting worse than I could imagine and here I thought I knew my wife pretty well.  "You actually bought some daughters?", I asked, thinking this is getting worse by the minute.  She said yes, that she got a couple different sizes.  OK??  Guess she didn't want twins.  You know, two the same size; like this:

Then she explained that she didn't get daughters, she got dotters.  That dotters where a tool she uses in her art work to make perfect round dots.  Here is a picture of her new daughters dotters:

And a cropped enlarged picture:

Now, whether you have daughters or dotters, I sure hope you all have a great day to day, you hear?


  1. Close call there Dizzy!

    She should be careful. Could cause a heart attack.

    1. Sixbears, yep, it almost did. I had to gasp for air. . .

  2. I spell daughters that way on purpose,,,lol

  3. It kind of gave you a jolt, didn't it.

  4. I have three daughters. Yours are way easier I'm sure.

  5. That must have been a scary moment! Whew!

  6. Trouble, I miss spell a lot, but I did this one on purpose.

    Gypsy, you better believe it. . .

    Jill, yes I bet they were. Had a good time with them.

    H.J., yep, it was. My wife read my blog and burst out laughing.

  7. You gave me a good chuckle today...though your wife might have given you a fright! :D

    The first thing that came to mind was TnT as she usually spells it like that.

    1. Glad you got a chuckle out of it. I am not sure what you mean by TnT and who is the "she" that always spells it like that?

  8. That is what I was trying to do. Mission accomplished!!

  9. You had my heart in my mouth Dizzy-Dick, as I wondered where you was going with this post. But all was well, and now I know what a dotter is :)
    Have a great weekend.

  10. Glad I was able to keep you in suspense. It is going to be over 100 all weekend. That is a little too hot for me.
