Thursday, May 23, 2013

Getting out of state visitors today

I am all excited.  My cousin and her husband, who I haven't seen in a few years, had driven to Texas from their home in Pennsylvania to visit their son and other relatives and friends.  They are going out of their way to stop by and see me before they head to Atlanta for other visits.  I expect them some time this morning.  I only have two cousins that are older than I am.  She and her older sister are the two.  We all grew up in wonderful families and in wonderful times.  I look back on my youth and realize at the time I didn't know how great I had it.  Well, actually, I did realize it but not to the extent that I do now as I look back.

Well, today is garbage pick-up day and I need to carry a couple of extra full cans down to the road.  I am too stubbern to load them in the Jeep and drive them down.  Anyway, I need the exercise.  Going to cut this short, have things to do.  Not only am I getting the company, it is also my Wife's birthday.  Sure can't wait to see my visitors.  Now, I hope all of you have as good a day as I expect to.


  1. Have a great visit and tell your wife I said happy birthday. You should pamper her today.

    1. Pamper her? I thougt pampers were adult diapers? (grin). Yes, we had a great visit but all too short.

  2. I had, have a family like that too. And the only aunt left on my dad's side, passed away yesterday at 87..
    I just can't imagine NOT having a big caring family.

    1. Yes, and we sure did get to talk about the good old days when we were growing up.

  3. Happy birthday, Mrs. DD!

    Enjoy the visitors and talking about the good old days!

    1. Yes, we did talk a lot about the "good old days" and how lucky we were to be born into such a great family.

  4. Glad that the visit went well! They are always too short, aren't they?

  5. Yes, way too short and too far between. But like all my relatives say "it wasn't me that moved away, it was you".
