Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wondering about the tuning fork.

I had a tuning fork that I used to use to tune my guitar.  I would bump it on my leg to get it vibrating and then place the handle end on the face of my guitar and it would amplify the sound and I could then tune that one string that matched the fork's tone.  Then I used that one tuned string to tune the rest of the strings.  I also had a pitch pipe but always thought that the tuning fork was more accurate.  I now have retired both the pitch pipe and the tuning fork for a more accurate and quicker electronic one that clips on the end and the little lights light up to let you know if you are in tune, sharp, or flat.  Here is a picture of a typical tuning fork:

 By now you all know that I am really interested in space and astronomy.  Yes, Billy Bob, I am spaced out, way out.  So, when someone mentions a tuning fork, the Hubble Tuning Fork comes to mind.  What, you may ask, is a Hubble Tuning Fork?  Well, it really isn't a tuning fork but rather it is graph of the different types of galaxies.  The handle starts off with the most simple elliptical Galaxy which is really more like ball or circle.  It then procedes through the ellipticals and then into the spirals.  Artists and movie makers seem to protray all galaxies as spirals in the art and on the screen.  Check the galaxy tuning fork out below:

We live in a large, beautiful spiral but our home planet is way out on one of the arms.  That is why we can see most of our own galaxy.  It is that creamy, bright path of light through a clear, dark night that you can see.  Since we live far out on an arm, we are moving through space much, much faster than the other suns (stars) which reside closer to the center.

Now, I suppose you are going to ask me if our galaxy is spinning clockwise or counter clockwise.  Well, that entirely depends on which side of the galaxy you are looking at.  You know, if you could see into the back side of a clock, it would appear to be moving counter clockwise, right?  Now, enjoy your ride through space and have yourselves a very great day, you hear?


  1. I sure wish I could see the Milky Way galaxy! The last time I saw it clearly was when I lived in Ireland, by the sea. I've never seen anything so beautiful.

  2. Yawnnn...huh?,,,whatya say? lol,,, Have to tease you a little bit,,DD.

  3. Gypsy, the best I ever saw was was night on a beach, too. There are no lights out over the sea, so it is about as dark as it gets near the populated world.

    Trouble, "Yawnn"??? Guess I will have to hit you on the head with the tuning fork to wake you up (grin).

  4. We had a radio on one of our firetrucks with a broken electronic activation tone. The city was too cheap to fix it so we used a tuning fork of the right frequency. Just key the mike, strike the fork, and the emergency activation code went out.

  5. Thanks Dizzy-Dick, you always give us good things to think about.

  6. Sixbears, now that is a very unique use for a tuning fork. Yankey engineering won out.

    Jill and Penny, I want you all to wonder about things, too. I sure don't want to be the only wonder, no, I mean wondered out there.

  7. Dizzy I see your a Amaterasu Op and thinking your my age do you work any of the upper bands of 40M and 80M on am? 1K watts of power and 1K of audio....

    1. I carry an all band rig in my motor-home that covers from 440 mz down through 80 meters. Have not been very active in the last couple of years. Have a hand held duel bander, aslo. I don't know your age, but I am 70.

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