Friday, May 24, 2013

It was a very good day.

Yesterday was a very good day!!  Not only was it my wife's birthday but my cousin and her husband went out of their way to stop and see us.  We had a wonderful visit, but way too short.  Too bad it couldn't have lasted for a few more days.  But we are glad for their visit.  We met them at Luby's restaurant, had a good lunch, and then headed over to my place.  We decided to sit in my motor-home instead of in the house.  That way we wouldn't be bothered by our three dogs and they hadn't seen our newest RV, so we sat in it and had a great visit.  Here is a picture of my wife (on the right) and my cousin Carol.

My cousin's husband is a really nice guy.  Hey Barney, he is a golfer and plays all the time.  They are both older than I am, so why do I look older than they do?

 Another picture of my cousin and my wife:
And of course I had to get into a picture with my cousin.  For some reason, I could not enlarge this picture like I did with the ones above.  Anyway, you don't need to see me any closer.  It would hurt your eyes.

It was a very good day and we didn't tell them it was my wife's birthday until after we had eaten and were having a great time visiting.  Too bad they couldn't stay longer, but we really enjoyed the time we had together.  Now, I hope you all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. Always good to see family. Maybe it's the golf that keeps them young?

  2. Those people look familiar, but who's the fuzzy white-haired guy? Maybe we could have the family reunion at your place, is Texas in July hotter than Pennsylvania in July? Have you got a pool or a lake w/o alligators, cottonmouths,or piranha?

  3. Trouble, It sure was, but like I said, it was over too soon.

    jill, Yes it is, and since most of my family is from up your way, I don't get to see them very often.

    Jimkabob, It seems I am the only one in this family that is aging. . Dang!! I wonder what their secret is? Maybe golf or good living? We could have a winter reunion at my place.

    Barney, You must be right. I guess I will have to take up that sport. Maybe next time BB wants to throw his clubs away I can get them. . .

    1. You ain't seen me lately, I look like Colonel Saunders DUI photo. Happy Birthday, Ruth!

  4. Before most of my "older" family (aunts an' uncles....cousins, stuff like that) died, sit'n round talk'n old times was a highlight of my travels. I'm the only one left, so I talk old times with myself an Sadie Mae.

    I'm with Barney on the golf'n.

  5. My grandmother was interviewed by a local reporter when she was 95, and asked what was difficult about being that old. She replied, "You have no peers left." So it's true, we end up with very few people that we shared a lifetime with. (My grandmother was hit by a car speeding into bright morning sunlight when she was 97 - she'd have lived several more years but for that reckless driver.

  6. Good for you! It takes effort to keep in touch, but it's worth it.

  7. Billy Bob, Next time we meet up, you can talk about old times with me. We were both born in late WW2.

    Gypsy, That is a shame she got killed in an auto accident. She could have lived to rival Methuselah.

    Sixbears, It was more of an effort on their part. They drove 3 hours out of their way to get here and 3 more extra when they left.

  8. My friend,

    This is such a nice posting. It seemed a pleasant, relaxed get together. Belated birthday wishes to your beloved wife. And I clicked on your last photo to enlarge it. I would like to report my eyes are just fine after the experience. I sense a gentle demeanour from you, good sir.

    Have a delightful weekend, y'all.


    1. It was a great time of cathing up. They live about 1400 miles or so from me so we don't get to see each other very often. - Enlarging my picture! All I can say is that you must have tough eyes. . .

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  10. It is always fun to visit with family members that we like. Is she the lady that is a fan of Betty Boop?

    Wish your lovely wife a happy belated birthday from me :)

    1. No MsB, this one still lives in Pennsylvania, the one that is the Betty Boop fan lives in Kansas. I got a lot of cousins.

  11. I'm glad you all had a great time, it's to catch up every now and again. You have a beautiful motor home. I've not seen inside one before and it does look like a home from home and very comfortable.

    A very Happy belated Birthday to your wife with many more wonderful ones to come :)

    1. This old blog posting ( shows more. And this older blog shows it a lot better:
