Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Wondering when I met Billy Bob.

Three years ago this month, we were in Terlingua, parked at BJ's RV park.  The desert was blooming and the weather was great.  Here is a picture of some ocotillo  that were blooming when we were there:

I have been reading Billy Bob's blog (http://billybobsplace.blogspot.com/) and he has been working on his big ole riverboat model.  It was looking real good back three years ago when I first met him.  Here is a picture I took of him sitting in Sally da House with his famous riverboat.  It is a very impressive boat and I bet it took him a long time to make it:

Any of you who haven't visited his site, go there and tell him DD sent you.  You will enjoy his style of writing , his wit, and his memories of the past.  You know, old farts like him and me have a lot of memories only he knows how to put them down in print that is both amusing and informative.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Are you folks still heading West any time soon?

  2. Has it really been that long since you went there? WOW! Time sure can get away from us.

    Might just be about time for all of you to meet up again!

  3. Shadowmoss, not sure yet. I hope soon.

    H.J. The date on my pictures that I took there is April 2010. Just about exactly three years ago. I would have guessed it was only two years, but I have had my bus that long and we went out in my old class-C.

  4. Trouble, thanks, now tell me where I laid down my sun glasses today.

  5. Has it been that long? Dang...time for another visit :)

  6. Dizzy -
    Please take Bubba Hermit Jim with you for the next visit. I'll work out something for taking care of mom, if you can convince him to go. He deserves a trip, and to meet up with you 2 old fellas would just about fill up his bucket list! I know he would love it! Just saying......

  7. I met you down there at the Grub Shack I do believe. My wife and I was down at our place and ole Ben of "An Older Texan Remembers " had came down also and Ben & the wife and I met you at the grub Shack.
    That was the first time I met Ole Billy Bob also.
