Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Wondering if this is sort of a continuation.

I guess this is a continuation of two of my recent posts.  Let's just go back a couple of days to this blog that I did about quilt tops.  You can click HERE to go back and take a look.  I thought that I would add a picture of another quilt top that she got.  I do believe there may be some more, not sure.

Went to Wal-Mart for supplies yesterday and when I parked in front of this Jeep, so I took a picture out my windshield to show you that both my Jeep and that Jeep was covered with pollen?

As I told you in my blog a view days ago http://dizzydick.blogspot.com/2013/03/wondering-what-caused-yellow.html about what causes the yellow pollen.
OK, I am back.  Sorry for being late posting this blog but an old customer called needing some changes to some drawings before 13:00 because representatives of G.E. were coming to see some proposals.  I actually had to make new drawings, but got them done and emailed just in time.  So, I had a quick lunch and now I will post my blog.  I just want to put an end to all the rumors that I died or am happily driving down the highway in my motor-home.  I hope the latter comes before the first (grin).  Now you have a great day today, you hear?


  1. Some pollen would be welcome. I've got a for real blizzard going on here right now. Maybe I can pretend it's white pollen?

    1. The pollen isn't very welcome but the warm weather is nice.

  2. I've noticed the yellow pollen on my windshield but it hasn't gotten too bad yet. Every day new trees are in bloom and they are beautiful even if they make me sneeze.

  3. Gypsy, we can put up with it because it means pretty flowers and green leaves on the trees.

  4. Just wonderin'... how come the jeep in front of you is facing you? Which one of you is driving on the wrong side of the street ;-) (Hey, you ain't seen nothin' until you see how they park here in Sevilla!)

  5. The Odd Essay, here at Wal-Mart they laid out the parking lot in double rows of parking with an access one way lane between them. You drive down one lane and up the one next to it. (actually we were playing "chicken") grin.
