Monday, March 18, 2013

Wondering about a bit of space history.

If you are a long time reader of my blog you know that I am spaced out over stuff in space.  I have multiple telescopes from small up to a one with a 16 inch diameter mirror.  Science and math were my favorite subjects in school.  Spelling was my worst.  If it were not for spell checker, you probably wouldn't be able to read my blog.  OK, that being said, I have a bit of "space" history for you today.  Does any of you know what happened back a few years ago on this date in the world's space race, what year did it happen, which country was involved, who was involved, and why was it considered notable?  OK, take a few minutes and try to remember.  If you can only get one of the answers right, you are to be congratulated on remembering you space history.  I remember it, but I didn't remember names or dates, so I don't expect you to remember all of it.
OK, do you have the answer?  For those of you who do, I congratulate you, you have a much better memory than I do.  For those who got part of it, congratulations.  I would have had to just guess and would may have gotten part of it but not all.

I know, you are tired of waiting for the answer.  Here it is.  It was on March 18th, 1965.  The feat was done by a Russian cosmonaut named Alexi Leonov.  His space craft was named Voskhod 2 and he was the first man to take a "space walk" wich lasted for twenty minutes.  Also, the United States launced Gemini 3 with Gus Grissom and John Young going along for the ride.  Now, that was realy quite an active day in space history.  I hope your day is a little more down to earth and it is as nice as it is here.  It is suppose to be close to 90 degrees here today and then a cold front will come through and cool things down about 20 degrees.  You all have a great spaced out day today, you hear? 


  1. I've noticed that about you, DD,,,hahahahaha

  2. Yep Trouble, I am "spaced" out and proud of it (grin).

  3. I always enjoy the space posts. Good fun.

    -3 here this morning Dizzy, but it's supposed to warm all the way up to 35. I'll be working on my tan.

  4. I have never been interested in people going out into space - landing on the moon, space walking, space stations, etc. But I love watching shows about astronomy and the universe, the Mars landing, etc. I think we should explore space but use robots to do it.

  5. Remember how they would roll in the black & white TV into the classroom whenever there was a space event back in the 1960's?

  6. Sixbears, me too. Watched some of the earliest sci fi shows way back in the very early 50's. You temps are too cold for me, I would turn red in those temps and you would think I had a sun burn.

    Gypsy, It is impracticle to explore deep space by manned crafts. Robots are much better suited and expendable.

    Jimkabob, No, I was out of school by then. Remember I am an old codger (grin)

  7. I always love how you make a little deposit in the remaining SPACE between my ears.

  8. Jill, I am always glad to fill a void (grin). I am very passionate about outer space and all the heavenly bodies.

  9. MsB, I am sorry. Do you want a make up test?
