Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wondering about hair.

As far back as I can remember, I always had a question that I haven't found an answer that satisfies me.  I have Googled it and have gotten some answers but not a complete answer to my satisfaction.  After researching it, I still don't completely understand it.  By now you are probably wondering what the heck I am talking about.  From the title of this blog you may have guessed correctly that it is something about hair.  Yes, I know I have a lot of it, since it has been five years since I have been to a barber or shaved.  My question is why does hair only reach a certain length except for Crystal Gayle's extra, extra long hair.  The last time I saw her on TV she had to put it in her pocket to keep from tripping over it.  She is amazing but I believe unique in that her hair does not know when to stop growing.

What I am trying to say, an individual or animal has a set length that the hair will grow.  Now tell me, just how many of you have had the hair on your arms grow a foot or two long?  You say it doesn't grow any?  Well then why when it is shaved off does it grows back to the same length?  I guess each hair folicle has a preset length that it will allow its hair to grow.  I can understand that, but what I don't understand is how does it know that an inch is cut off the end of it?  You can cut a dog's hair and it will grow back to where it was.  Will someone please explain it to me.  Now, go comb your locks (if you have any) and have a very great day this first day of Spring, you hear?


  1. Dang, Dizzy! Now you got me to thinking about this all day! You do that a lot!

    I have to admit, that's a good question for sure!

  2. And to think all I was worried about was how much is falling out. Now I've got to ponder why it stops at the length it stops at.

  3. HJ, coming from you, someone who writes the most informative blog on the net, that is a real complement. I surely do thank you.

    6bears, I have heard that new hair growth pushes out the old hair. My problem is that there may be no more new growth left to fill the void. . .

  4. In 15 years, I have had 3 pony tails. Two hang in "da house"....both the same length, but not the same age. The one on my head is the same length as the other two, but a few years older. I ask the same question...."how comes it don't get no longer". The same thought goes for my beard.

  5. Ask God! and if you don't believe ask the scientist, and if you don't believe, I don't have the answer.
    Great question though.

  6. BB, the hair on my head reaches down to the end of my beard. I have not cut either for the same length of time, but the hair on my head must have grown faster than my beard for it to reach to the end of my beard.

    Rum-Punch Drunk, He knows the length and the number, I believe.

  7. I never thought of it before but now you have me wondering.

  8. Yeah, different strokes for different folks.

  9. Well, I did wonder about just that when I was young... had long hair and it would grow only half way down my back. But will admit that now I wonder where I left my comb or brush and just how many gray hairs I'll get before I consider adding color....

  10. Gypsy, let me know what you come up with.

    Trouble, the difference in people is what makes them special.

    The Odd Essay, I don't have to color mine, it is snow white and has been like that for quite awhile.

  11. Dizzzy the barber charges me a finders fee to cut my hair all I have is (MEMORIES)

  12. Justastick, you must have pushed too many hairs out, or did you get frustrated and pull it all out?


  13. My hair goes really really fast, even though I am older. I don't know why. Some women ask me why my grows so much, I don't know. Maybe heredity? It is not slowed down at all since I am older either. If you find out the answer let us all know ok?

  14. Dizzy -
    I have been wondering - when was the bow first tied or who did it? In the Bible you read of tying sandals or see slip knots in old westerns on horse rails, but what about the bow? It's been around a good long time, and no two people seem to tie it in exactly the same way, but they all look pretty much the same. But when and where did it come to be?
    I'm sure between you and Big Brother Hermit, y'all can figure out this one for me..

  15. Tammy Fletcher, It is good to have fast growing hair, then if you get a bad cut it will grow out quicker. My guess is that you inherited that trait, from some family member in the distant or near past.

    Baby Sis, I would say that Hermit Jim would be the one to answer it. I don't even deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence with him. He is one of my idols. In my blogging would he is a pop star!!

  16. When you mentioned that if you were to cut the hair on your arm, how does the root know to start growing, and why does it stop at the same stage. I don't like to think too much, my head is already full or worries.

    Lately I've been wondering WHY my face is suddenly branching out with the occasional one inch long hair, here and there.

    Be grateful DD that we don't have hair follicles in the roof of our mouths. gag

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