Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wandering back to town.

I figured that my prescription would be ready so yesterday my wife and I headed for town.  I dropped her off at Hobby Lobby and I then went to the music shop around the corner to get a second capo, just in case I am picking with someone and we both need one or I misplace one or . . .  Anyway, got that and then headed over to Wal*Mart to pick up my prescription.  For some unkown reason, they gave (no, I paid for them) me two bottles each containing three month's worth of pills.  That is six months of pills.  And here I was worried about having to get them refilled on the road.  These can be refilled three times in the next year.  I guess I will have to stock up on them.  But with my luck, my condition will change (has been the same for many years now) and so will my prescription.  But since I don't go back to him for a year, I am all set medication wise.

At my age I am glad to see that someone, especially my doctor, will think that I will still be around "next year".  Gives an ole fart like me some hope for the future (grin).  Like I believe everything a doctor tells me???  He does pretty good since he realized that he is working for me and I am, therefore, the boss.  Now that is what I call a good relationship with a doctor, don't you think?  Now you all have a great and healthy day and to keep healthy, don't forget your Valentine.  If you do it will not be much of a holiday.


  1. My insurance won't let me refill til i'm almost out. Can't stockpile it. Good deal on yours!

  2. Good deal! So far it has taken 3 days to get my wife's prescription filled. About 8 phone calls and 2 trips to the pharmacy -so far.

  3. Trouble, I only have medicare with no drug coverage. I only take one pill a day for my blood pressure and it is generic.

    Sixbears, good luck with that. It is kinda of like banging your head against the wall. It hurts but when you quit it really feels so much better than it really is.

  4. If your blood pressure starts going up,just stop watching the evening news and take the dogs for a long walk.

  5. Jimkabob, now that is good advice.

    TFT, Thanks but it isn't tomorrow here yet, 7 more hours. You are the first to wish me happy birthday, though.

  6. Jill, thanks, I am officially old now.

    HJ, thanks, I may have caught up with old Billy Bob.
