Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The day after the doctor's appointment

I am still here and since the doctor couldn't find a thing wrong with me (yet), I am back home in one piece minus three vials of blood.  Yep, he couldn't find anything wrong with me (even my blood pressure was normal), he ordered a blood test just to make sure.  He said if nothing bad showed up on the blood test that he wouldn't need to see me for a year.  He then electronically wrote a prescription for a years worth of the same blood pressure medication and sent it to the Wal*Mart pharmacy.  Yes, that is the same pharmacy where the fellow shot himself the other day.

I use Wal*Mart because if I am on the road in my motor-home and need a refill, I should be able to get refills without going back home.  When I pick up my prescription I will ask if I can do that.  This may not be a problem because I also got him to make each prescription for three month's worth of pills and I am sure I can fit all my trips into that time period.

So, what shall I do today?  It already started out good.  I slept in!!  My dogs usually get me up early, but I let two of them out of the bedroom just before sunrise.  I don't know why they wanted out (maybe my snoring) but it was OK with me.  The youngest one who prefers to sleep in her own house (cage) beside the bed, slept in too.  Now, you all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. Doctor's visits are one of those times when no news is good news, I think!

  2. My prescriptions are sent electronically to the Costco nearest my house. When I travel to NY I just go to the local family owned pharmacy and they do the transferring from Costco. I usually allow a day because of the 3 hr. time difference, and my meds are ready to be picked up the next day - no more expensive by the way than if I got them filled at a national chain. When I come back home I just ask the pharmacy at Costco to transfer the RX back. One thing I like much better in the East is the fact that they still have family pharmacies where you can get to know the folks working there and they are much more friendly than a Walgreens or a Walmart.

  3. HJ, you sure did hit the nail on the head. I like to have no news from doctors.

    Gypsy, I think Wal*Mart made a mistake but I am glad they did. I got six months worth of pills that can be refilled three times. That means I only have about two years before I need to see the doc for another prescription.

  4. I may be wrong Dizzy but I think prescriptions are only good for 12 months.

    Glad you are in good health.

  5. MsB, You are correct, but if I do it right, by the end of the year, I will be able to have accumulated enough for one more year. And then again, maybe in a year things will change. I will go back to the docs in a year for a check-up.
