Monday, February 11, 2013

Wondering to the doc's office.

Well, they finally won!!  Dang, I don't see why a healthy person needs to go to the doctor just to get his prescription filled.  Oh yes, I guess they need more money to pay their bills, or what-ever.  Three months ago we went through this and I won.  I was smart enough to wait until I had only two or three pills left when I called for an appointment.  They said they couldn't work me in that quick, so gave in and called in a prescription for another three months worth of pills.  That was almost three months ago, so here we go again.  This time, they won and I am going in this morning.  Now, I will be exposed to all the viruses and germs of all the ailments that are going around at this time, just by a quick visit to the doc's office.  That office has four doctors and there are always a lot of patients waiting in the waiting room.

OK, I am sorry I am ranting and raving about this but it does make me mad.  He probably has to see me every so many prescriptions to make sure I am OK and to protect himself from the possibility of law suits.  The only so called "professionals" that upset me more than doctors are lawyers and if it were not for the lawyers, the doctors would be able to take better care of their patients.

Now, you all take what I am saying with a grain of salt, or a pill.  I know that doctors try to do the best for their patients and sometimes I just go off the deep end and rant about doing something that I don't think there is a need for when I could be doing . . . let me think.  What else would I be doing this morning?  I guess just sitting on the couch with a computer on my lap either reading blogs or playing Mahjong on the computer.  Just love a couple types of Mahjong games.  I try to better my old scores and always think when I finish a game that I could do better than that, so I play another and another and another. . .  OK, you all have a great day today, you hear?  And I will try not to let my forced visit to the docs upset the rest of my day, I will just call it an "outing" and try to enjoy myself.


  1. Sitting in the doctors waiting room is like doing the backstroke in a giant petri dish.

  2. I agree,,,about sitting in a doc's waiting room!

  3. My kids here in CA all have Kaiser Permanente for their medical care. Kaiser will now let you call in for minor ailments and talk to the doctor over the phone, and they will even write prescriptions for you - patients avoid the $15 copay for a visit and don't have to sit in a waiting room, etc. I definitely think many doctors make you come in to their office just especially if you have Medicare - that's a sure bit of money for them, and then they get more from your secondary insurance.

  4. Jimkabob, I prefer the breast stroke, that way I get to swallow more of it . . . UHG!!

    Trouble, wasn't too bad today.

    Gypsy, I had blood work done also, and this time they said I didn't have to bay anything. Now, this was the first doctors visit of the year, I am sure they will bill me after they find out that Medicare only pays after the detuctable is met.

  5. Have you found a mahjong site on the internet? I love it but haven't had it on my computer since my old Apple 2c died.

  6. Here is a link to a standard Mahjong game:

    And here is a link to one where both tiles always have to add up to 10. I like both but the one below has a twenty minute time limit.

  7. My dad gets his visits scheduled for the first one of the day, and then he gets there early. That way he doesn't hang around the waiting room with all the sick people. It's worked so far.

  8. I never have to wait long at the V.A. and that's fine by me!

    Glad you got the meds all straightened out!

  9. Sixbears, there are 6 different doctors that share this large office and there were only three other people in the waiting room and just after I sat down I got called and the others didn't. I guess my doctor isn't the "popular" one. Makes me wonder???

    HJ, Yep, got enough refills to last a year and he said to come back next year. I think he was surprised that an old codger like me was in such good shape. I will probably drop over dead tomorrow. . .

  10. Yeah anyway, you could think of it as sightseeing.

  11. Jill, It was more fun going when you are not sick. And the needle didn't hurt, either, when they drew blood. All in all, it was sort of like sightseeing.

  12. Wear a mask when you go to the Dr. office. I learned that when I take my 98 year old mom in law to her appointments. Nurse's suggestion. She is healthy, just her 3 month routine appt. But we were concerned because of her aged condition, she might pick up a bug sitting there in the office. She loves the mask. ( I think she loves the attention too)

  13. BJ, I just take an extra NCS24 micronized Beta Glucan ( before I go and one after I get back. Boosts my immune system. I have been taking one at night and one in the morning for some time now and haven't been sick for a few years.

  14. Well you have gone and done it now, you actually spoke the phrase "haven't been sick for a few years". Get ready, you will be soon, doesn't pay to tempt fate that way.
