Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines day and Wandering into my 70's

Happy Valentin's Day to all of you.  There is a special place in my heart for all of my followers and for all of you who comment on my blog postings.  I look forward to reading blogs and comments.  You all are my Valentine.

Happy Birthday to me.
Happy Birthday to me.
Happy Birthday Ole Dizzy.
Happy Birthday to me.

Yep, I was born on Valentines day 70 years ago today.  Now you know where I got all my charm (grin).  I never thought that I would live this long, since my Dad passed away at age 60.

Some days I don't feel near this old but on other days I feel a lot, lot older.  I guess turning 70 has some advantages: 

     I am now an official Ole Fart, right?
     I can get away with more, just blame it on old age.
     I can tell stories from further back in the past than most people. 
     I can tell them over and over again. 
     I can spend more time wondering what I was going to do.
     I can let someone else do the heavy work.
     I can say what I want.
     I can look and dress the way I want to.
     I can do anything, most people don't care or notice "oldsters".
     I am getting closer to knowing who I am.
     I am getting closer to knowing who I am.
     I can repeat things and no one thinks that it is odd.
     I can just be me (of course, I always have been).
     I can blame things on bad memory or just old age. 
     And I better start working on my bucket list.

Now you kiss your Valentine and tell them they are loved.  My wife, my dogs, and you all are my Valentines, so have a great, great day, you hear?


  1. Happy Birthday DizD! Lean forward and keep onward and remain upright.

  2. Jimkabob, thanks, but how do I lean forward and still remain upright? Great talking to you today. You made my day!!

    Barney, Thanks, I have now caught up with BB, right? Funny thing, I don't feel any older than I did yesterday.

    1. just don't lean forward more than 10 degrees and keep your feet moving.

  3. Dizzy I truly enjoyed reading your post today - I knew it would be special. Have a wonderful birthday, and happy valentine's day to you too! Remind your wife also that she is a special (and lucky) lady.

  4. Jill, thanks and I remind my wife all the time of what a catch I was. Maybe in another 70 years I can convince her (grin).

  5. Happy Birthday AND Happy Valentine's day as well! Hey... you're just a kid... you'll never catch up with me ;-)

  6. Well Dizzy, I don't think you're gonna like be'n a official old fart. These words spoken by one that knows. I were think'n the same thing all them things you wrote down, but you'll feel just a bit of guilt every time ya fall back on 'em for an excuse. Over 70, these is no excuse.

    1. By the way....ya ain't never gonna catch up to the old Billy Bob. Still got ya by a year or so.

  7. Happy birthday, Diz. I liked your list of advantages of reaching 70, but just don't ever think about the disadvantages!

  8. The Odd Essay, I may never catch you but I would like to tag along for awhile.

    Hey BB, I want to be just like you except with no back pain (grin).

    Gypsy, thanks and what disadvantages?!?!?

  9. Happy Birthday Dizzy -and many more!

  10. Sixbears, thanks. Glad you are having fun sailing in Florida.

  11. Happy Birthday! And also Happy Valentines Day. Be my Valentine?

    I'm coming home tomorrow!!!!

  12. By the way this is the anniversary of the day I was pressed into involuntary servitude by the US Army in 1969. Greeting to you.

  13. Shadowmoss, thank you and I know you are heading home; I read your blog today and commented on it. Have a great trip and welcome home.

    Barney, Sorry to remind you of that day. It couldn't have been too bad, you made it up until now.

  14. Happy Birthday Dizzy and may you celebrate many more!

  15. Again, my very best wishes for a great and happy Birthday, buddy!

    Soon I'll catch up to ya!

  16. MsB, it is a celebration when I wake up in the morning.

    HJ, I hope you don't catch me too soon.
