Friday, February 15, 2013

The day after.

Dang, I don't feel any different and here it is, the day after I turned 70!  So, I guess it wasn't that big a deal after all.  I did get some nice cards and my cousin, Jimkabob, called me from his home in Virginia and we talked for quite awhile.  I always enjoy talking to him, he is just so quick witted.  He said he mailed something, but I had to tell him that I didn't get it yet.  Now, I have something to look forward to today.

Yesterday, we celebrated by going to Wal*Mart and getting groceries.  I had to do that since I was out of my Blue Bell Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream.  And there is no way I could celebrate my birthday without it!!!  While we were there, my wife insisted that I get another shirt.  I buy nothing but western shirts with snaps and I found one that would go good with my brown leather vest.  All in all I had a good birthday and woke up this morning feeling no bad effects of the day.

I want to thank you all for wishing me a happy day on the blog yesterday.  I do really appreciate your comments and I enjoy hearing your side of things.  My side of things is slanted to my way of thinking, you know.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Don't know how I missed your blog yesterday, but,,HB today!
    I never felt a thang when I had that one,lol.

  2. I had to laugh about the Blue Bell ice cream... Bill always has (had) his ice cream every night before he went to bed. I mean.. ALWAYS! We've been here 2 weeks and he hasn't had ice cream in all that time, (no freezer where we're staying) so please have any extra scoop for my husband and enjoy it to the max!

  3. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)February 15, 2013 at 1:35 PM

    Happy Birthday - glad you had a good one! Thanks for the info that you don't feel any different - I'm catching up to you!

  4. Trouble, that's OK, people our age don't need to make excuses.

    David, thank you. I am glad I am still around to get it.

    The Old Essay, I am a Blue Bell ice cream-a-holic. Got to have it. I can skip a night every now and then, but it is hard. Can't he buy the small pint containers, one each day?

    Phyllis, Now I didn't say I felt real good, just that I didn't feel any different the next day. (grin)

  5. Glad you had a good birthday. Save me some of that scrumptious sounding ice cream, I'll be there soon...

    1. I usually have a supply. Better hurry, it doesn't last long when I am around.

  6. Don't eat all that ice cream at once or you may not make it to the next happy birthday. Glad you had a good day, even though you went to Wally World.

    1. Jill, I limit my intake to a big ole dish every night!!! Is that OK?? (grin)
