Monday, September 17, 2012

Wondering about loosing.

Most of us play to win, whether in games or life.  So, what about all those loosers?  For every winner there has to be some who loose.  Are you a good looser or a bad looser?  I saw an advertisement last night on TV where a race car driver gave a definition of a good looser.  He said it was someone who had "never won anything" and didn't know what it felt like to win.  I really hate to think that he is right, but it did make a little sense.

I consider myself a good looser.  What is better than that is a gracious looser.  Yes, I much prefer winning but would much better loose than have someone "let" me win.  It isn't the winning but how you play the game, whether it be a fun game or the game of life, that counts.  I do like to win and I like to better my own score in one player games, like computer games.  Every time I complete a computer game, I say to myself that I could do better than that.  Even if I complete all the levels, I still try to get a better score.  I guess I am just competitive and love the game and love to better myself.  Of course at my age it is getting much harder to do.  Now, you all have fun time today playing the game of life, you hear?


  1. I'm with ya on your thoughts today!

    Better to play well and lose, than to play poorly and win!

    Of course, having fun is the most important part of any game!

  2. If I play my best and some one else still wins, then there are two winners.

  3. Sure i love to win, but i can take losing too. So i consider myself a gracious loser.
    Im like you on the computer games,,,,lol

  4. Well shoot, win or lose, if'n ya played the game, you still a winner.

  5. I like to win. Period. Especially when I am competing Judo, my favorite sport in the whole world. However, losing keeps me humble. (And hurt sometimes, too!)

  6. HJ, yes having fun is important, unless it is at someone elses expense.

    Barney, you are always a winner in my book.

    BB, the looser is the one who never plays.

    Jill, remind me to let you always win so I don't get beat up (grin).

  7. Hey Trouble, sorry I missed your comment. BTW, I like the simple computer games. My favorite is Majong.

  8. I misspelled the last word, it should Mhajong. (I think; I am a poor speller)

  9. I don't play many games, probably because I spend to much time inside my head working out projects. I find it hard to stay in the here and now. Plus I get distracted by colors and patterns, feel the need to file them away for future projects. And yes, I did take the photo for my header. We have been out in the wood cutting fire wood. It's raining acorns right now in PA. The leaf had a natural shine to it, the acorns...I hit with a gloss spray, other wise they were very dull, made for a dull photo. also the camper restaurant, it's between Mars and Cranberry on 228. Not so RV friendly. The area is all housing plans and shopping plazas. In an effort to maximize space and controll traffic flow the plazas are full of curbs to keep drivers in line.Pick-up trucks and my Yukon XL find these lots NO FUN. RV, forget it.

  10. Jill, I did love that picture of the acorns. I guess this year the deer will have plenty of acorns to eat. Some Oak varieties only have acorns every other year or so. Thanks for the info on the camper restaurant. Guess I will not go there. No RV parking around an "RV" restaurant. Makes a guy wonder. . . .
