Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Wondering; choices, choices, what should I do.

Got a pressing project that needs done here at home but this morning dawned clear and cool for here (it was 68 degrees) and should only get up to around 90 today which gives me (as you RV people say) hitch itch.  So, now I have to make the decision of whether to stay home and try to get the project done or run up to our closest state park, which is Huntsville State Park.  They used to have a maximum length limit of 36 feet, so I will have to call and see that since they have upgraded the park if my unit will fit.  Have only stayed there once before in my old class-C because it is so close, we can just run up there in the Jeep and spend some time walking the trails.  Since archery season for deer starts in a couple of weeks, the park will probably fill up with hunters.  So now would be a good time to go.  I enjoy RVing when it is a little cooler.  Not that I don't enjoy it at any time, I surely do.

I really need to get the repairs done from the pipes that leaked.  Until I do, my office is useless.  I am thinking instead of going back to a rug on the floor, I will put down a hard floor using those strips that lock together and look like hard wood.  I have done that in the master bedroom and the family room and it turned out really nice.  Dang, decisions, decisions, I hate decisions.  Let's see. . .eenie meanie, miney, moe, . . . . .
You all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Here's my take on it: On your deathbed you won't be laying there saying, "I wish I would've done more work around the house..."

  2. I'm with Jill on this one. Even just a "ride" in the motorhome is much better than work'n around the house. That floor will still be there tomorrow. The water leaks will still be there tomorrow. But a trip to the State Park may NOT be there tomorrow.

  3. Jill and BB, I forgot that we have to go pick up test results from the doctor to take to the surgeon who will be fixing my wife's eye problem. They have to be hand delivered before next week so the surgery can be done when scheduled.

  4. A trip to the park is always in order, even if you don't stay over night!

    Make some nice memories while ya can!

  5. HJ, we got everything done with the medical reports and I even stopped at Office Depot and got a new calculator. Need one to add up doctor bills (grin).

  6. Park sounds nice.

    Those snap together floors do a decent job. Got rid of all my carpets and don't regret it.

  7. Sixbears, I did two rooms already and sure don't miss the carpet. Carpet is just/a dirt catcher.

  8. I'm at the beach fishing DD, no decisions to make at all really. Just get out there and do it...

  9. Happy trails, I hope you enjoyed the day.

  10. TFT, I always loved salt water and surf fishing. Haven't done that in a long time.

    Jill, If I wake up in the morning, I am going to enjoy the day. When you get as old as I am you try to enjoy every day.
