Sunday, September 16, 2012

Wondering what the world will be like in 2062.

What if you found an almanac from 50 years in the future?  What do you think it would say?  The October issue of Discover magazine included one in the the center of their magazine.  I agree with most of what they predicted but not all.  Yes, I agree that the temperatures will probably be warmer and that polar ice cap will probably melt leaving the Arctic Sea open for new shipping lanes and oil and gas productions along and off the shores.  Of course if the polar caps melt the sea levels will rise and shrink the land mass and flood what we now consider ocean front property.  The world population will continue to grow but will be slowing down.  A lot more countries will become industrialized nations and because of more mechanized farming most of this population will be in super cities.  Hey, let the population move to cities, that will give me more room to live and roam in the country.

I have no idea what the future of the population of our planet will be.  I am sure that there will be a lot good things happen along with a lot of bad things.  Over population could become a problem but Mother Nature usually takes care of that problem with fertility problems or epidemic.  This universe is a violent place and you can let your imagination run wild with cataclysmic quick endings to life on Earth.    I will not be around to see these big changes (hopefully not cataclysmic ending) and maybe I am glad.  So far in my life I have seen way too many changes that I don't care for.  Let us all take full advantage of "today" and not dwell on what could possibly happen "tomorrow".    Now, you all take advantage of today and have a great one, you hear?


  1. I like to read bout all these predictions of how the world will come to an end if'n we don't change our ways. I look at things a little different than most. Global warm'n don't skeer me like it do a lot of folks. 'Member all them glaciers what covered north America a gazillion year ago? They melted. And mankind still existed. Over population would be my only concern. We need groceries to feed all them people and nobody wants to be a farmer.

  2. I never dwell on tomorrow, take life day to day. Look at the last 50 years, all the major changes. Amazing.

  3. We can't change things all that much, so why worry about them!

    One thing about the future I can say with certainty, I'll never live in a mega-city! NEVER!

  4. Billy Bob, the human race has been able to deal with changes in the past. We are good at it, that is why there are still humans around and doing well.

    Trouble, Good way to live. And there was so many changes during the last 50 years it is almost unbelievable. I can not imagine what will take place in the next 50 or what all will be achieved.

    HJ, I would hope we have a little influence in the future, but most of us don't. And NO, I would never live in a mega-city either.

  5. Looking back at the last 50, there were plenty of surprises. We could have a S/F future, or maybe the whole game will be reset by then. 50 years gives plenty of time for amazing things to happen.

    I'm not sure what the rest of the afternoon may bring. :)

  6. Sixbears, I am sure there will be surprises, but who knows. I will not be around to see it.

  7. Love that Discover magazine. Makes me think.

  8. Jill, I have subscribed to Astronomy for over 30 years and Discover for about half that time. Now, they owned by the same publishing company.

  9. It's going to be a grand day in PA, sunny and 75 degrees. will be on my porch making art. Yesterday I saw a special issue of Time magazine on sale. It was a report on global warming. They wanted $12.99 for the magazine. As I have an environment science degree I find the topic interesting but considering the source I passed. So ofter it seems like the media prints what "sells magazines" not the truth. I use to read Discover magazine, if they printed something on global warming, I would read it.

  10. p.s. sorry for the typos this morning. me and my laptop are not working well together.

  11. Jill, the earth has gone through many warming and cooling cycles and will continue to do so, but I have to admit that the sun is growing in size so the earth will eventually heat up and the oceans will boil away, but until then, keep a jacket handy.

    Don't worry about any typos, I misspell almost everything. Never could get the hang of it.
