Saturday, August 25, 2012

Wondering about the size of products.

Have you noticed that the size of things you buy anymore seem to be shrinking?  They can only raise the price so much or people will quit buying their products and find substitutes, so they slightly shrink the size or quantity that you receive.  For instance, go see if you can still buy a pound of coffee or sugar.  I am not sure about the sugar since we don't use it or purchase it, but I do know about the coffee and other things.  It is amazing that there are still 12 eggs in a dozen.  Even candy bars are getting smaller, but I can't attest to that either.  I guess we have a choice, either pay more or get less.  Something like this blog this morning, a lot shorter than you expected, right?  Have a good weekend now, you hear?


  1. The corporations of the world operate on the presumption that we (the public) are too stupid to notice.
    I no longer buy boxed dry cereal because of the hype. There are many things I no longer buy for this reason and I believe I'm not the only one.

  2. What has bugged me for years is the .9 on a gallon of gas

  3. I remember when the detergents started to come in the liquid form. After a while, one of them changed their label to say it was 2x stronger, and within a couple of weeks they ALL said theirs was 2x stronger. Label changes take more time than that, and I've always believed it was just a marketing ploy they all agreed to. I bet it's no different than what they started out with and they're saying it's 4x or 6x more concentrated. I've gone back to powdered detergents by the way, as studies have showed there is no difference between the two.

  4. You haven't imagined it. Sizes are getting smaller. Hidden inflation.

  5. lol DD, you just now noticing that?
    Have a goodun...

  6. Oldfool, the trouble is too many are too stupid or too stuck in their ways to protest by not purchasing those products.

    Ted, that bugs me, too. I was hoping to sometime see the price end in .8.

    Gypsy, they keep putting it in smaller containers saying it is concentrated knowing that people will still use as much as they always have.

    Sixbears, that is for sure. Must be why my newer clothes feel tight.

    Trouble, no, just getting around to commenting on it.

  7. It certainly pisses me off. Cooking oil is now in 40oz bottle versus the 48oz it has always been in.

    Baby Oil is no longer a dollar and the ones that are now come in 12oz containers. Same as petroleum jelly now you get this little bitty plastic jar.

    Ice cream used to always come in 1/2 gallon containers now just Blue Bell and a few others carry that size.

    Soft drinks are now sold in 20 can packages at what used to be 24 can price. Now don't let me get started on beer, now you pay for an 18 pack or 20 pack what used to buy you a case (24 for those none drinkers) :-(

    1. MsB, you're drinking the wrong brand. I buy Miller Hi Life in 30 packs (cans) and pay less per oz than even the qt bottles.

    2. Gypsy I used to buy Miller High Life 30 packs when it sold for a reasonable price in the Houston area like $12.88 and I always had plenty to take to the Chili Cook-off in Terlingua.

      Had to switch to Natural Light but that too has gone up. When not in a budget my beer of preference is Coors Light :)

  8. There for a while, several years, I thought I was gonna have to lose weight. Sure am glad to know that I am not gettig bigger, my clothes are getting smaller. Whoopee. bring me another beer !!

  9. MsB, I always buy Blue Bell chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream in the full half gallon. I reward myself for living through the day with a bowl almost every night.

    Gypsy, glad I quit drinking, saves a lot of money.

    Bob, there is always a bright side to everything.

    1. A while back I remember you mentioning your favorite was Blue Bell chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.

      I have often been tempted to give it a try but I usually settle for the regular chocolate ice cream.

  10. MsB, if you try it you will like it and then there will not be enough for me (grin).
