Friday, August 24, 2012

Wondering about wrinkles.

Wrinkles, we all got them and in a lot of different places.  We were born with wrinkles, they didn't seem to bother us then.  A lot of them smoothed out as we grew up.  As we aged, a lot of those wrinkles started returning.  In middle age, women have kept the cosmetic industries flourishing and I am sure a few men have helped, also, by purchasing all that wrinkle cream, etc.  Wrinkles are a fact of life, if our skin didn't wrinkle it would crack.  Wrinkles are important and are needed in the proper places.  It is when they start showing up where they are not needed is when people start wanting to get rid of them.  I, for one, am proud of my wrinkles.  It took me dang near 70 years to get them just right (grin).

Yesterday, my wife had an appointment with an eye surgeon to check and see if her cataracts were ready for removal.  They were not, but the doctor discovered another problem.  She has developed a wrinkle on her retina.  This is not good.  Things look wavy to her, there is no such thing in her world as a straight line.  It really bothers her.  That was bad news but one good thing, she does not need surgery for her cataracts yet and the surgery to fix her retina wrinkle is quite complicated and dangerous; not recommended by her doctor.  He said that there are drops available that may help the situation, so we took his prescription to the drug store but they said that they wouldn't have it until the next day, that is today.  So another trip to town today is on the agenda.  We both hope and pray that they work.  She called her brother last night to tell him and we found out that he has the same thing.  Coincidence or hereditary?  We may never know.  The eye problems that she has been having is the major reason she doesn't like to ride in the motor-home.  Hope she can get the problem fixed without any major hassle.  Now you all wish her luck and have yourself a great Friday, you hear?


  1. Hope the drops work. We are wishing your wife good luck.

  2. Health issues and old age are the two main factors what keeps us at home and on the couch. Had I knowed I would have a heart attack and surgery, and then the after affects, I would have never sold the house in San Antonio and bought "Sally da house".

  3. Thanks Sixbears, She has other eye problems that will need taken care of, too. But, first things first.

    BB, If you had stayed home on the couch you would have died a long time ago or wish you had. Being on the road and doing (fixing) things keeps you going.

  4. Seems to me that creative people often have vision problems. I wonder sometimes if those problems enhance the creativeness. In any event I was sitting here reading the blogs this morning, pissin' and moaning about my inability to focus my eyes when I read this and suddenly decided I have nothing to complain about.
    Sudden perspective changes make me "Dizzy".

  5. Not luck DD, but in my prayers. I didn't know you had to wait to have cataract surgery. I've had both eyes done. And now we understand why yall aren't using that new home.

  6. I think she should get an opinion from a qualified eye surgeon. They can do all kinds of surgery these days and do it better and easier than they did years ago.

  7. Trouble, thanks, and now you know.

    Gypsy, she has seen two different eye surgeons. She has more than one problem and one surgeon will not do both. Always something to cope with, isn't there.

  8. I do hope that the drops work for her.

    I sure am glad that I had the cataract surgery done! Man, it is like a brand new world for me now. I don't even have to wear my glasses anymore!

  9. Tell your wife we are thinking of her and hope & pray her vision improves.

  10. HJ, yep, I had mine done a couple of years ago and sure glad I did. The first thing I noticed after I got home was colors, especially blue looked o bright.

    Jimkabob, thanks for the support. This is not going o be a quick fix.

  11. I certainly hope the eye drops work for your wife. Considering she has this problem it is really amazing that she can create such beautiful crafts.

  12. Last time you told me that you did not have a header picture on your blog.

    However under the title I see a red X like there is or was a picture before. Does anyone else see that as well?

  13. No, I don't have a header picture; never had.

    1. lol, I still see a red X...I will pretend it is not there :)
