Monday, August 6, 2012

My congratulations to NASA

"Mars rover Curiosity safely lands on Mars" was this mornings headlines. I read all about this large rover a couple of months ago. It is the size of a compact car and has the ability to study all kinds of things. If it performs as designed, we will know more about Mars than ever before and if it lasts as long as the last rovers did we will get enough information to keep scientists busy studying the data for years. The hardest thing it had to do was land unharmed and it accomplished that with a very soft landing. I told you about this rover back on July 13th on my blog Wondering About Curiosity, so I will not go into any more detail here. I am sure the news is full of it now and we should be hearing a lot more about its discoveries very soon. At least I hope so. Congratulations America! I don't have anything more to say today, except that you all have a great day now, you hear?


  1. Not everbody thinks like the old Billy Bob do, especially scientists. When it comes to spend'n my tax dollars to put a "go cart" on Mars, that's go'n too far. Any information they get back is completely useless....I mean like, do they think we gonna live there?

    Oh never mind, just forget it...shut up Billy Bob.

    1. I see where you are coming from, Billy Bob!

      The US is in so much debt, and then to spend millions, or billions, on this, doesn't make sense. To have more money, you spend LESS!!

      Happy Trails, Penny, TX

    2. Well according to some of the doubters, it is not really on mars, just some old volcano crater up in Idaho. So look very carefully at all the photos for Sasquatches foot prints.

  2. I've looked for a way to watch it, but didn't find anything. Maybe later? I watched some of the others when they were wandering around there.

  3. Billy Bob, Actually this was first scheduled to go up two years ago. BTW, it isn't the things they find but the spin offs that make our life better, like cell phones, medical advances, etc. Now, don't ever shut up BB, like to hear anything you have to say.

    Penny, Got an election coming up, so let's remember to vote.

    Bob, Big Foot's prints would impress me, for sure, on Mars or in Idaho.

    Trouble, you are right, there is a site to go to but I am not sure what it is. Will find out, though.

    1. I am watching it on:

      As for the election...let's not go into that!!!

  4. Quite an achievement, even if we don't agree with it!

    Wonder if the president is going to take credit for it?

  5. HJ, It sure is and the president can't take credit for it, it was approved and the project was started way before the president became a natural born American (grin).

  6. Yes. Congratulations America on a marvellous achievement!

  7. TFT, I hope we can now learn a lot more about our sister planet.

  8. Total costs of the wars in Iraq to date – which include funding through the end of the current fiscal year on September 30, 2012 – $807.4 billion to Iraq now If we can afford that we can sure afford the rover!

  9. None of that money came from Romney he has all of his in off shore banks and in horses

  10. Ted, the benefits that the space program has given all of us is worth the cost.

  11. Hi DD. I was concerned about the cost of Curiosity during this state of our economy, but then I learned how little is spent on it, compared to other programs:

    Then it seemed to make sense for all the advancements (if they can be called that), that it will bring.
    Happy Tails and Trails, Penny.

    1. Penny, oh how true it is. Our government wastes so much time and money on useless projects and not enough on the stuff that will really help us in one way or another.
