Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I am rushed this mroning.

I am rushed this morning.  Today is dog grooming day and their appointment is for this morning.  Also, I need to complete a card that needs sent out today.  My wife and I make cards.  Actually, my wife makes most of them and I write the rhymes.  If everyone was as rushed as I am this morning the guys would have to use the drive-thru window at the whore house (grin).  OK, I know I shouldn't have said that, but I thought it was funny.  You know, my sense of humor gets me in a lot of trouble.  Of course my wife says I can never get out of trouble.  Instead of being called Dizzy Dick I should be called Trouble.  What do you think TROUBLEnTX?    BTW, she is one of my followers and visa-versa. So, I am apologizing for my short and not so sweet blog post today, but wanted to let you know I am OK.  Now you all go and read some interesting blogs, like Hermit Jim's on toilet paper and have yourself a relaxing and nice day, you hear?


  1. You won't get in trouble with me. That was funny!

  2. hahahaha,,,just don't go thru that drive thru!

  3. Sixbears, yesterday I dropped my wife off at Hobby Lobby and ran a couple of errends. When i got back to the store, she mentioned that I was back sooner than she expected and the only thing I could think of to tell her was that I hurrird nd only went through the drive through part of the whore house. She didn't see the humor in that statement. . .

    Trouble, between you and my wife I can't away with anything (grin).

  4. Your drive-thru comment reminds me of something my late ex-husband would have said. I would have pretended I didn't think it was funny, but on my own would have had a good laugh about it!

  5. Gypsy, well I hope you got a smile out of this, too.
