Sunday, August 5, 2012

Wondering how to cool off.

I have to admit, the heat got to me yesterday morning when we were walking around at the flea market.  That made me feel poorly for quite awhile after we got home.  So, I got wondering how to cool off.  Well, I drank lots of cool water, turned on the ceiling fan, and stayed indoors to be in the AC.  It sure did take some time to get feeling better and didn't get the dogs' yard cut until almost sunset.  Anyway, I started to remember the times in the past when I was cool;  not cold, you hear, just cool.  Then I remember a trip I took in March a few years back when I had my class-C motor-home.  We had stopped in Gallup, N.M. to visit with my wife's cousin and then headed to Stanton, Arizona for the G.P.A.A. group outing to hunt for gold.  We exited I-40 at Holbrook, AZ and took 77, 377, and 260 to Payson where we picked up 87 to Phoenix.  Along the way we went over a chain of mountains and at the higher elevations there was still some snow.  So I thought that some of these old pictures may help to cool you all off a little.  This first one shows how deep the snow was in some spots.  We saw cabins buried where only the upper half of them could be seen.

The further down the mountain we went, the snow got less and less deep.

It was a beautiful drive and it was the first time we had seen snow for many, many years.

There, did that cool you off any?  Sure do hope so.  Now you all have a cool Sunday and take care of each other, you hear?


  1. Only other thing was to take a cold shower. Water's not cold, kinda luke warm. AND, stay outa that heat! Not good for us oldies. (but goodies,,)

  2. Thanks for the pictures of the snow, buddy! Don't see much of that stuff here in Houston!

    Watch out for that heat! It can do some real damage to those of us in the "golden years!"

  3. Trouble, I know what you are talking about when said that the water was not cold. I only get a glass of cool water out of the spigot before it gets warm. The pipes that are in the house cool the water for a glass or two (AC you know). We have to wait until winter for cold water.

    HJ, glad you liked the pictures. And I know that I can't take the heat like I used to. Must be old age.

  4. Nothing like mountain spring water for a cool shower. Never warm all year long. No AC, so it's a bit warm, but nothing like TX.

  5. OK, go ahead and rub it in (grin).
