Thursday, March 8, 2012

Wondering if you have seen Mars.

I sure hope you have taken a few minutes out of your busy evenings to take a look at Mars this month.  It is the brightest it has been in a couple of years and if you look to the east just after it gets dark, it will be the brightest “star” in that part of the sky.  As the hours go by it climbs high in the sky and of course it has that reddish shade to it.  Take a look, it is easy to spot.  If you look west you will see Saturn and Venus, both a little brighter than mars.  A good time for planet watchers.
It is suppose to be a wet few days around here with predictions of rain in excess of three inches.  Since it is quite warm, didn’t get much below 70 last night if at all, the frogs have been yelling so loud that they drown out most all other natural noises and a lot of man made ones, too.  With the frogs and owls serenading, it reinforces the reasons I like living here.  This morning I saw a pair of ducks circling and then landing.  Soon we should have some baby ducks.
I am not going to ramble on any more in today’s blog since I really have nothing else to say.  So, you all have a great day now, you hear?


  1. Whilst your night skies are clouded over, perhaps you'd like to see another view of them?

    Brilliant - absolutely brilliant :)

  2. Thanks Dani, I am getting itchy to get my big 16 inch scope out again. If I don't have time, I will just get one of my smaller ones out. I love to gaze at the heavens.

    Trouble, I don't like crowds (grin).

  3. That's one thing I miss being in FL. The viewing in the clear air and higher altitude of my NH home makes for excellent viewing. That is, if you don't freeze to death first.

  4. Sixbears, yes but some of the best viewing is in the winter when it is cold. There is still a lot to see in the summer months.
