Friday, March 9, 2012

Wondering about the things my dad said.

My dad was a good, wise, and kind man and even when I was a kid, I understood that.  He was the happiest when he was outdoors in the woods, fields, lakes, rivers, and streams.  He loved to hunt and fish, and to him (and me) it was being out there that counted, not the kill or the catch but the time enjoyed outdoors.  He also gave me great advice to live by.  The one that I remember and use the most is “It’s not so bad that it can’t get worse”.  I first heard that when I was a kid and came to him either heart broken over a loss or any problem.  Made me think; and you know, he was right.  I wrote a song about that back 20 some years ago but forgot it and can’t find where I wrote it down.
One of the other things he always told me was “no matter what I did in life, sweeping floors or cleaning toilets, do the best dang job you can possibly do”.  Well, when I got hired on at Pullman-Standard, I worked in the labor gang and along with digging ditches, cleaning the paint shop and exhaust vents, coming in early when it snowed to clean the railroad tracks and thaw the switches, I also swept floors and cleaned toilets, and I did the best dang job I could do.  I worked in the labor gang for a couple of years, and decided to put my resume in to the car engineering group.  I guess they didn’t need anybody, but the head of die, tool, jig and fixture (manufacturing engineering) department found my resume, checked on my work ethics, and the rest is history.  With some college background and my will to learn and work hard, I did very well there and learned a lot that would serve me all my life (and still does).  I worked for Pullman-Standard for 17 years.  I was reminded about Pullman because my friends sent me three Butler Eagle newspapers that had memories and history of the old Pullman plant which was housed in the longest building in the world.
OK, an update on my class-C motor-home.  PPL has it on line, but I see there were a few mistakes so I sent them off an email this morning correcting the errors.  Whether they will update the add or not, we will see.  If you want to take a look, here is a link to there add:
Now, wish me luck in quickly selling the unit and you all have a great day now, you hear?


  1. My dad and grandfather worked at Pullman
    ( Butler) too in the 1960's, both have passed on. John and Bob McMaster..they were machinist but i think my dad may have been a welder at Pullman. My mom and her father both worked across the street at retired just last year.

  2. Some people are fortunate to have a dad that was willing to give good sound advice. Adhering to that advice can lead to a prosperous and happy life. In your case, you listened and you learned.

  3. I'm glad I can still talk to my dad.

    Dizzy, I'm going to be in east TX for a week and I'm curious to see how close you are from my in-laws. E-mail me at:

  4. Jill, I started there in 1963 and the names sound real familiar. I spent a lot of time in the machine shop, since they machined the forging dies, blanking tools, and made the fixtures and jigs. I believe Ralph Warheit was the machine shop supervisor at the time. Long time ago to remember names (which I am very bad at remembering for 30 seconds)

    BB, I believe I had the best dad in the whole world and I learned the hard way when I didn't take his advice.

    Sixbears, you are lucky to still have him. My dad passed away when he was 60 back over 40 some years ago. I will email you.

  5. Still miss my Dad, and he passed in 84. Always told people, i was raised right.
    Hey best of luck on selling your "other" home.

  6. Trouble, you will never stop missing him, I have never stopped missing mine. Thanks for the good luck wishes.
